Most people would think that having faith is what is required for a christian. But it seems the Borg is saying that something more than faith is required.
That seems to be the thinking in chapter 8 of the recently released book “Worship the Only True God”. This publication is the second of the “must read” books for baptism candidates. What are they learning about “true Christianity” TM ? Let’s look into chapter 8 “Wrestling Against Wicked Spirit Forces”.
“'Who is the one that conquers the world but he who has faith that Jesus is the Son of God? (1 John 5:5)' ........What else is required? "(page 49)
Notice the question "What else is required?" What scriptural admonition could be in store for the new recruit?
Well, it's no "new light"! Instead, it's something that does not surprise many who've grown accustomed to the manipulation of the scriptures found in WTS publications. So the paragraph continues:
"That we stay close to the congregation of which he is Head." Surprise, surprise!
But is that what the scriptures teach? Scriptures such as Ephesians 2:8 & 9 come to mind: "By grace are you saved through faith not of works lest any man should boast."
Interestingly, the paragraph does not offer any scriptural 'proof' for their teaching that faith is not enough.
Cheers, Ozzie