My 9yr old son was ready to KICK SOME ASS tonite in my defence........

by Jesika 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jesika

    I thought this was just toooooooooo cute, I have to share.

    We were leaving a birthday party (my step-nephew turned 3 today). I stopped by the beer store to pick up a 12 pack for my boyfriend. Well, I was wearing shorts and a fitted top, but was hardly dressed up for it being a Saturday night.

    Anyways, as we were leaving, there were some guys in the parking lot and they were staring at me. I didn't take much notice of it, but you can just tell when people are looking your direction. My son got this god awful look on his face, he was really PISSED OFF!!

    I didn't understand why all of a sudden he was sooooooo MAD!! I asked him what was wrong, and he just shook his head and said nothing was wrong. After some nagging, he told me he didn't like the way the men were looking at me.

    I asked him "How were they looking at me?" He said, he couldn't explain it (remember he is only 9), but he said he didn't like it and he didn't like the fact that one of the guys said something to another guy, and the other guy started looking at me too.

    My son told me he was ready to beat the guys up for it!!! He wanted to "Bloody the guys nose".

    So, after I tried to explain, that is just the way things are, and men look at a woman if they find her nice to look at or even if they think she is really ugly. I tried to explain to him, that the guys may have been talking about the brand of beer I was carrying, but he wasn't buying that one at all.

    I just thought it was soooooooooooooooo cute to watch my son's chest swell up and get offended at men looking at me in a "weird" way. He was really ready to say something to them and wanted to DO something to make them stop.

    Sorry for babbling on about this, but it is just so weird to see my little boy start becoming a man, and my protector!! How precious!!!!!!!!!!

    I love my son so much, and it is nice to know he has my back!!!!


  • Aztec

    Awww that's cute Jesika! My son is the opposite, he's always trying to hook me up with every available guy...LOL! Aren't little boys the best?


  • blackout

    Jesika, that is so great, I have a little boy too he is 5 and soooo protective of his mum, I fell over today and he came running over, "are you OK mum? Here I'll help you up." So cute, love those boys.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Jes! Good to see you around here again. I've missed you.

    He's good kid and you're a good mother. You're a better parent right now than yours were to you. Whatever else happens, he knows you love him and that's all important for a son. He needs to know his mother cares for him, just as a daughter needs to know her father cares for her.

    I'm sorry you didn't get what you needed, but you're breaking the cycle and he won't know what you know.

  • figureheaduk

    Awwwwwwww, isn't that sweet? Sounds like a great son you've got there!

    Big hugs and stuff


  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    Great story Jes. Sounds like you got your own little hero there.

    Let him know everyday how proud you are that he looks out for his mom.

    It will make him grow up to be a good man.


  • caligirl

    That is so sweet Jesika! What a great son you have!

    BTW, the other night in chat- I didn't just leave - I got booted, and by the time I could get it to work again, you had given up waiting - it took me quite a while to get back, and even then it wouldn't let me submit anything. I just wanted to apologize for what must have seemed to be rude chat behavior!

  • Jesika

    LOL @ Aztec, they are always looking out for us aren't they?

    Blackout.........How adorable, I just love it when they try to make everything ok for us.

    Tex........I try hard to break the cycle in my family, and it seems to be going well so far.

    Figure.......Thanx, nice to see you, I am at work at the time you are in chat normally, I miss chatting with you.

    Thunder.......Thanx, and I will be sure to do that, I do make an effort to do that regularly.

    Cali....Thanx, and don't worry about chat, I knew you didn't leave like that without having a prob with your computer, you were having a heck of a time that night. Hope to chat with you again soon.

  • soulweaver


    I really wanted to kick their butts

  • OICU8it2

    they weren't talking about your beer

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