If you were still a true JW, what would you life be like now in 2003 ??????

by run dont walk 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    Well, the question says it all ..........

    I wonder how many would become suicidal (this is not meant to funny, I do have a tendency to be on the humourous side)

    What kind of job would you have ????

    Would you be struggling financially ????

    What would you be doing for fun ????

    It's frightening to imagine isn't it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Responses please.

  • Hamas

    If I was still a Dubya today, I would :

    • Be struggling to makes any kind of living through a cleaning career
    • Still be feeling guilty for never doing enough
    • Still be braindead
    • Still be looking for 'little sister perfect'
    • Still be taking shit from people at the hall
    • My idea of fun would be just the same as today in fact; I was a badass lol
    • I could not have achieved half the things I have today If I was still a slave to the Watchtower.

    That is all.

  • Aztec

    This is a funny question as I don't think I was ever a very good witness. I would most likely still be auxilary pioneering and working in a mall. I'd most likely still be single because none of the brothers ever impressed me as being a "proper" head. I'm sure I'd be as bored and frustrated as I was at 19 when I finally skipped out for good.

    Okay that's enough to give me nightmares...

    ~Aztec *shudders*

  • shera

    HMMMM,what would my life me like?

    I'd still be doubtful and feeling guilty because I could "never" believe it was the truth.I'd be thinking I'm gonna die,I'm gonna die so I may as well have some fun.I think my life would be worse because of all the guilt.I would be drinking more and I probley would have been DF anyway because I would be an alocholic because of everything I just said.

    I don't think I would be married,I knew I wouldn't have made a good JW wife.I would have been lectured all the time from the elders.

    I would still hate feild service

    I would probley still be on welfare.(nothing against welfare,I just didn't like it)

    I would have had one pathic ,sorry life. I'm thinking twice about posting this.....hmmmmm?

  • Wolfgirl


    I'd probably be suicidal, again.

    I'd be bored out of my mind with all the reading, most of which I ended up ignoring coz there was something better on telly.

    I'd probably still be single, coz I was too independent and strong-willed to make a good JW wife.

    I'd have been counselled a few more times. The elders liked to tell me what to do.

  • Tammie

    I'd probley be a widow. Hubby told me that he was planning on sucide, after we left the JWs. They were making him feel very bad, and awful. What was his crimes you are asking? Earning a good living for himself and his family. He works the late shift at his job, good pay and good benifits.

  • Prisca

    Married, living in Italy, with at least one kid and another on the way.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I'd be dead.

    • I had my plan.
    • I had my time (although it did keep changing for one reason or another)
    • I had asked people to take care of my girls
    • I had started giving my daughters information I thought they would need
    • I had started to give things away
    • I had started to tell people how much I cared for them

    For the last 2 years I was in, suicide was about the only thing I thought of. I was so close. The elders will never know just how much closer they pushed me when they DFed me. It was a very scary dark time

    But I had one worldly friend that believed I could get through this. He supported me and held my hand. He knew how suicidal I was and he was so scared I would do it. One day he asked me to promise I would call first and he knew I wouldn't back out of a promise. He was just a friend but he was also the one who helped save me. He helped me find the strength to build a new life

    So if I had stayed I would be dead.

    And if I left and he wasn't there I would be dead

    But here I am alive and kicking

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    Wow Lady Lee, so glad you made it through, it's nice to know I was not the only one.

    I don't think I would of made it either, I still (15 years later) have a strong hatred for my family, Partially my fault (25%) and partially their's (75%)(I am shunned, it's like I was never born)

    You almost think that the elders and family in some bizarre sickened way hope you would do it!!

    Then could use it as an example in the meetings saying (how many times have we heard this one) "This is what happens when you don't put Jehovah's organization first in your life." and "This is what happens when you leave Jehovah's organization"

    Well like the one poster said, I am now living life with the one I want, the only crime we did was getting a good job and having a real life.


  • GentlyFeral

    Um. It would be easier to list the things I *wouldn't* be doing, and then count what's left.

    Let's see, things I would never have taken up:

    • Witchcraft, therefore no pretty altars or incense in my house.
    • Poetry. Exalting myself, dontcha know.
    • Certainly no strip shows.
    • Or love affairs.
    • Wouldn't be actively seeking a CAREER, but might still be working.
    • Probably wouldn't be going to meetings, actually. I had stopped going a year before I decided to leave.
    • By the time I was about to leave, I sat around reading and websurfing all day and rarely left the house. Life sucked and I knew it. So I might be actively suicidal by now. Either that or poisonously judgmental and mean.

    gently FERAL and proud of it

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