I've just been reading an article on the jwmedia site about a study into WT literature that has been ordered by a Russian court.
It goes into the usual WT waffle about the persecution and harrassment of JWs, religious freedom etc, but the following quote caught my eye:
The study also revealed a much higher level of education among Jehovah's Witnesses (when compared with that of the average Muscovite), which tends toward independent rational thinking and decision-making
Now, this would give Joe Public that the average JW is therefore able to think for himself, and reach his own conclusions independantly. But compare the above quote with the following quotes below taken from WT publications in the past.
The Watchtower
So, does this mean that either the JW's have received new light on the subject of independant thinking, or the article that I've quoted above is yet another shameless peice of propaganda put out by the JW's in order to catch out an unsuspecting public who may not know about the WT's past views on the subject?