Oh! Welcome ofcourse and ehh don't lose your head....
by afrothunder88 26 Replies latest jw friends
Oh! Welcome ofcourse and ehh don't lose your head....
First off, Love the name Welcome to the board, prepare to meet great people and make new friends.
I never had a birthday party untill i was 32 years old. I was raised a JW and told that the date of my birth was unimportant and celebrating it was self worship. I was also told that I would be sheppherding lambs and lions, and that I would never grow old.
You sound like a smart kid, what do you think. If your dad is still a wittness, just pray for him to "see" what is really going on. Perhaps in time he'll see the truth for what it is. Till then respect and honor him as your father. When you are old enough to leave home you can make your stand for what you believe to be right. Then you can have a huge party and make up for all the ones you missed.
Don't forget to invite me!
I just want to know why witnesses say you can't celebrate birthdays just cuz theres 2 instances in the bible where people were decapitated. I don't get it.
Most of us don't get understand why, either. Their reasons just don't make much sense.
I celebrated my first birthday when I was 27. Sort of. Just accepted greetings without explanations. My 28th and 29th birthdays were better. :)
Thanks to all who responded! He's at school right now, but when he gets home I will let him log on and read everyone's responses. Thanks again!
What Thunder said
Dear Afrothunder88,
I just want to know why witnesses say you can't celebrate birthdays just cuz theres 2 instances in the bible where people were decapitated. I don't get it.
That is a very good point. I don't get it either. It's good to question things like that. Last summer in the Phillipines two JW's had their heads chopped off while they were going out in the field service. Why don't the Witnesses say you can't go out in field ministry any more because two people were decapitated? They seem to want things both ways no matter how stupid or sensless it seems.
Afrothunder88, I have never been a Witness and I have had 34 birthday parties and guess what? No one has been killed or even hurt at one of them. You might want to tell them about this so they won't worry so much .
Their rules are anywhere from just plain silly (birthdays) to downright murderous (blood). Don't blame your Dad or the people in the organization, though. It's not their fault, especially those who were raised in it. We just need to keep praying for them and trying to help them understand.