My Lonnng Story...

by poohbear1962 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • unclebruce

    Best of luck pooh bear,

    Thanks for sharing such intimate details of your life. I have been down some of those roads too and can only hope some separation in time and space will heal and strengthen you.

    cheers, unclebruce

  • think41self


    Welcome to the board, and thanks for sharing your story. I know the peace you are talking about that you feel in your life now. Trust me, your children feel it, too. Anyone who takes the courageous steps you have to protect their children is SuperDuper in my book. And you never have to fear the "blustery days" again with all the support you will find here.


  • poohbear1962

    WOW!!! You folks are AWESOME!!! Thank you again for all of the wonderful support and comfort!!! This is what I believe that REAL love and compassion is about: Not judging, but supporting and caring when others are down!!! And, not a single soul suggested that I study, or attend meetings, or go in field service more!!! *grin*'s nice to be able to connect and communicate with mature, thinking, reasoning people instead of religious zealot "robots".

    Things are continuing to move along fairly well... The boys are still doing good, and I have been getting some couselling arranged for the, too!!! Again, many thanks to you all!!! :-)

    Take care, and have a wonderful day!!! :-)


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