Poll- Did you have sex while unmarried when you were a JW?

by FreeofGuilt 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • pr_capone

    LMAO @ Rem

    Well... I am with Aztec here. I am not DF'd or DA'd as of yet but I have had sex, not quite a few dozen times but still.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    F--K , that was funny drwtsn32

    Oh yeah many times, kinda of makes you wonder why people stay in the borg.

    No sex, maybe they will have new light and say oh we meant no water.

  • larc

    I am 62 years old. I have a wife, three children, and two grand children, and I have never had sex, with myself or anybody else. If you believe that, I have swamp land to sell you.

  • Freedomrules

    Yes I did. when I was 18, not with a JW. I was still going to meetings erratically. I had the best six months of my life! I also met my husband at the time. I'm so glad I didn't marry a virgin! I never understood the problem with it, as long as both people consented. Then again, I didn't read the bible that closely...


    I was still officially an auxiliary pioneer that month.

    But prior to that: I had had enough of it all.

    That evening, I did it.

    I was 21.

    My world was never the same afterwards.

  • Wolfgirl

    What I consider sex, no. But then they told us at the district convention that touching genitilia is considered fornication. I felt so guilty that I confessed at the convention.

  • shera

    Well,at first I had sex with a "worldly" BF I had....

    I went 3 yrs without any type of lovin before I left the org.

  • TresHappy

    I did really well for about 6 years in the borg. Then I met a fellow, and it was downhill from there. But, it was fun...

  • Aztec
    I am with Aztec here

    You are pr? I wondered who that was.

    I'm surprised by all the Clintonian replies! Have y'all been playing with cigars again? Hehe!

    Sex was the one single overriding cause of guilt for me so now I wholeheartedly embrace it! It is very freeing to realize that it is not at all a "bad" thing.


  • Francois

    Did I?

    Oh Boy Did I !


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