I imagine that there must be quite a few bethelites that have been there for many years, and because of the internet or their own experience while working at bethel, that causes them to know that this is not the "truth". But because they have gotten old and have no place else to go, and so make beleive they are still with the program. Can you imagine how tuff that must be, what kind of pressure that put on some poor soul lke that.
This of coarse did not happened, but I think it's only a matter of time, before someone does snap and do something very simaliar to the title of this thread. It may be a very distraught family member who is shunned and seeks revenge or someone who has cancer and has only a few months to live that wants to settle the score for years of lies that used up their precious time.
I think it is only a matter of time before we will be reading a very real story about this in the papers, what's your opinion?