talesin: ...Reading comprehension ...... ack.
Yeah...where are those bibble trained skills when you need them, huh?
by usualusername1 15 Replies latest jw friends
talesin: ...Reading comprehension ...... ack.
Yeah...where are those bibble trained skills when you need them, huh?
talesin: It sounds like the grandparents are trying to 'replace' their son, lost to Satan (hahaha) with their grandchild (not hahaha, but manipulative and disgusts me.)
Just think of the kudos they will be earning from their like minded JWs. "witnessing" to that poor little worldly child, saving her from the spawn of Satan.
This showed up on jwtalk about this case:
"Krusso, on 24 Oct 2015 - 11:34 AM, said:
I don't think this is a case of being anti witnesses. If another religion was involved, the same legal principles would apply. Parents are the ones responsible for teaching their children, not grand parents. And they should respect te parents wishes. You can teach by conduct and example. It does not necessarily includes taking to the meetings or field service. If the parent said no, try other routes to touch the heart. Hiring an attorney to try to impose your ideas was not a wise decision. I hope it establishes a precedent for future reference."
Great post, yes if it was me in this position, knowing the feelings of the daughter, if I was allowed access to my grandchildren i would respect the wishes of the parent, and just talk about the new system with the child while at my home. There are more ways to witness than to go through processes knowing it would cause trouble.
If I as a grandparent became guardian due to parents being unfit parents then that's a totally different story.
The second poster just doesn't get it. How stupid and myopically self-centered. She reveals the manipulations and deceptions that she will willingly undertake in order to continue to reform her grandchildren to her way of thinking.
How does this statement make any sense whatsoever???:
"i would respect the wishes of the parent, and just talk about the new system with the child while at my home"
Where are you getting the idea that the mother was a "disfellowshipped Witness"??
Not sure where I got that...thanks for clearing it up. I think it was the frequent use of initials that made it a little trickier to work out who was who, but I was too lazy to be bothered with trying to work all that out. I don't think it ever said she wasn't an exJW, so I kinda came at it with that assumption in my head. Given the many posts you see on here about exJWs trying to keep their parents from pushing the cult on their kids, it makes sense that many would see it from that context since it's not explicit that she wasn't an exJW.
I really never understood this entitled feeling most JWs seem to have about pushing their beliefs on other people. I think, though, that I always recognized that some people had just as valid reasons for their beliefs as I did mine and didn't want to be a hypocrite and push my religion on them if they didn't want it. That made me hate the d2d recruiting. It seems like so many of them fully buy into the indoctrination that their lives depend on recruiting as many people as possible and that it's the most loving thing they can do. If you really believe that what you're doing is the equivalent of lending a hand to someone who's hanging from a cliff, you'll easily brush aside normal societal boundaries.
Please, somebody pleeeassse, help me out here.
Where are you getting the idea that the mother was a "disfellowshipped Witness"??
I must have missed that salient point and I have read the article and the judgement several times.
Please point out to me where I have missed that detail.
Ooops. OrphanCrow. My bad - in fact, my very bad. You are absolutely right.
I had assumed they were her biological parents and had seen the reference to "disfellowshipping" and hastily concluded it referred to the child's mother. My apologies for making this way more complicated than it is.
steve2: My apologies for making this way more complicated than it is.
Sokay, Steve.
Blame it on the title of the thread - "disfellowshipped daughter". The OP set the stage for you and others who allowed the inaccurate title to influence your perceptions.
A good example, though, of how elements of assumption can be built into the interpretation of a clear legal document if you don't pay attention.