The public talk was on "Loyalty"- ...Speaker gave examples of loyalty in bible times...I.E: Esau and Jacob...Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of stew...Not loyal of him. David was loyal, even though he "erred" when he messed around with Bathsheba, then plotted to murder her husband. WE NEED TO BE LOYAL. To whom? Our Spouses, and most importantly Jehovah and HIS VISIBLE ORGANIZATION. Again the fear of apostasy rears it's head Sunday. We were "admonished" to stay clear of those speaking "different things" in the Cong. 'Do we have a tendency to have doubts or look with a "critical eye" when we are counseled by Jehovah through His earthly channel, "The Faithful and Discreet Slave Class?". "We have been counseled by the Faithful Slave in the past to avoid the poisonous words of the enemies of Jehovah, have you been heeding this counsel?. Loyalty to Jehovah and HIS ORGANIZATION, will safeguard us if we are ever tempted to consider APOSTATE REASONINGS. Jehovah God values LOYALTY above all other things. He will exact divine judgement on those acting DISLOYALLY". .....The apostate stuff was only addressed for about the last 15 minutes of the talk...But it seemed as though all the boooooring Bible examples....Boaz, Dorcas, Jonah, Job, etc. were a lead in to the speakers last 15 minutes of warning us against being dis-loyal to the Org = Disagreeing with any directions from the FDS. Which leads me to a question..... at Matt. 24:45 it says.."Who really is the Faithful and discreet Slave?" You know, that's a good freaking question. How can the Watchtower base their whole foundation for control and manipulation on an un-answered question?