Dearest LisaV... may you have peace!
You may find it confusing to read the words of my Lord when he said that "it is to JAH your God that you must worship and it is to Him ALONE that you must render sacred service," and then read words that tell you that we must worship Christ. Some will use such a thing to try and tell you that God (Jah - Psalm 68:4) and Christ... are one and the same. That thinking, however, is an error. To understand what my Lord meant, then, when he said, "It is to JAH... ALONE... that you must render sacred service," you have to understand HIM. I will try to assist you with this, by sharing with you what I have learned from my Lord, by means of holy spirit:
My Lord, although GIVEN glory... GIVEN a name above all other names... GIVEN "all authority in heaven and on earth,"... realized one MAJOR thing: that all things were subjected to him... EXCEPT the One who subjected all things TO him! Okay, fine. But... it was due to my Lord's HUMILITY... that such things WERE subjected to him: he is the LAMB... of God... mild-tempered and LOWLY IN HEART.
So... although God had conferred upon him glory and kingship and authority... my Lord NEVER CONSIDERED HIMSELF EQUAL TO GOD. Thus, he by his OWN words and his OWN actions... he attempts to teach US the important lesson of LOWLINESS... in HEART.
Matthew 11:29; Philippians 2:6
To help us understand this even further, in addition to my Lord's words and actions in the above case(s), he also gave us the following example at Luke 14:7-11:
"When you are invited by someone to a marriage feast, DO NOT LIE DOWN IN THE MOST PROMINENT PLACE."
Unlike my Lord who, rather than take worship for himself directed worship to One HIGHER than himself, Satan sought to "lie down in the most prominent place," by requesting worship of and for HIMSELF. For my Lord's words continue, as:
"Perhaps someone MORE DISTINGUISHED THAN YOU may at the time have been invited by him, and he that invited you AND him... WILL come to you and say, "Let THIS man have the place."
And then what happens?
"... you will start off with SHAME... to occupy... the LOWEST place."
My Lord, being the TYPE of person that he was and "despising shame," took the other path:
"But when YOU are invited, go and recline IN THE LOWEST PLACE, that when the man that has invited you comes, he will say to you, 'Friend, GO ON UP HIGHER.' Then... YOU WILL HAVE HONOR in FRONT of ALL your FELLOW GUESTS."
For, as my Lord said, "Everyone that exalts HIMSELF... will be humbled... and he that humbles himself... WILL BE EXALTED."
In ALL things... including an attempt at temptation by the Adversary... my Lord... HUMBLED HIMSELF... and thus, was EXALTED. And it should be quite easy for us to understand this, because for HIM to teach us to do this, and then do less himself... would render him... a hypocrite! And there was NO leaven... which is hypocrisy... IN him! He was not like the Pharisees who seated THEMSELVES in "the seat of Moses." No, he ALWAYS... "took a slave's form"... and thus, was SEATED... in "the high places"... by God.
I hope this helps. I have shared it with you... just as I have heard and received it from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH... of Armies.
A slave of Christ,