BIG TEX & CRUZANHEART -- 20 YEARS TOMORROW!!!! (6/4/83 to 6/4/03)

by cruzanheart 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • nightwarrior

    Happy Anniversary.

    We hope that you both have a lovely day.

    It is so nice to hear that you are so happy, in a world that is so sad, love still abounds.

    Lots of love and hugs

    Chris and Cath (Mr & Mrs Nightwarrior)

  • arrowstar

    Congratulations and Happy Anniversary

    You give the rest of us hope.


  • Scully

    Congratulations and Best Wishes!

    Love, Scully

  • pettygrudger

    Big Tex & Cruzanheart - 2 of the most warmest, sincere, caring & loving people on this board - you obviously were made for each other! May you celebrate 20 years at least 3 times over, and then some. Your love for each other shines through in the most positive & warm way here, and your devotion to one another is more than evident (to the dismay of probably every other male & female poster here!).

    Happy Anniversary!



  • Xandria

    Congrats.. may you both have many more years together. Happy Anniversary!!!!!!


  • onacruse


    I love the way you look. I love the way you smell. I love your touch and I love the way you make me feel. I still feel my heart skip just a little when you call. Even when we are apart, I feel you with me.

    Darn good comeback...especially for a guy that runs arounds in kilts

    Nina and Chris, our very best congratulations to both of you. Two wonderful people, and one fantastic couple.

    Craig & Katie

  • cruzanheart

    Lord, what a day! Originally Big Tex was going to take the evening off and we were going to get a
    babysitter so we could go out for a quiet dinner together. But a looming real estate closing at his office
    nixed the night off idea, so I accepted that philosophically. We figured we'd enjoy Saturday night out
    even more without thinking of going to work the next day. So we made babysitting arrangements and
    figured that today we'd have lunch together with the kids at our favorite sushi restaurant, and that the
    kids and I would bring dinner to his office after I got off work.

    Well, lunch worked out! The restaurant we went to has 2-for-1 sushi at lunch and the best white tuna I've
    ever tasted, so we pigged out. Jennie decided she liked white tuna too but lost enthusiasm after it
    started getting stuck in her retainer. Jackson had chicken teriyaki and alternately hummed and played
    air guitar to the Muzac in the restaurant. So far, so good . . . Jennie had a haircut at the salon in my
    building at 5 p.m., so Chris was going to bring the kids back downtown and drop them with me. During
    the afternoon I tried valiantly and frustratedly to upload that dratted letter, and fortunately my cyberknight
    Valis came to my aid just as the kids arrived. Jackson complained of terminal boredom all through the
    haircut. They both complained of hunger while we went to Black-Eyed Pea to pick up their fried catfish,
    but were momentarily distracted by an individual in the restaurant who dressed like a woman but talked
    like a man. I spent the drive from Black-Eyed Pea to Momo's Italian Restaurant explaining how we don't
    discuss people's sexual orientations right in front of them for fear of getting punched out. They learned a
    new word: transvestite.

    Picked up the really great spicy seafood pasta for our dinner and headed for Chris' office. Further
    complaints from the Peanut Gallery about hunger pains. Fortunately, the new word appeared to have
    been shelved for the time being. Arrived at Daddy's office only to find that the real estate closing was
    heating up and Daddy had no time to eat. Poor darling, he really wanted to have a semblance of
    anniversary dinner, but it's hard to be sentimental when you have five attorneys breathing down your
    neck, so I left his dinner with him and took ours home. Another 20 minutes of complaints, but I wasn't
    about to serve fried catfish and cut corn in the car. Once home, we discovered that Ladybug had
    become bored and shredded our entryway rug, then pottied on the carpet when I scolded her. (Kids still
    complaining.) Kicked the dogs out. Warmed up the catfish. Put on a movie for Jennie and settled
    Jackson in our bedroom with his cartoons. Cleaned up the potty. Warmed up my dinner and poured a
    much-needed glass of wine. Sat down. Got up again because someone needed a drink. Sat down. Got
    up again because Dexter had sneaked into the bedroom and eaten half of Jackson's dinner. Got him
    something else. Sat down. Phone rang. Sat down. Let dogs in. Gave up on dinner but finished the wine.

    * * *

    On our first anniversary, Big Tex was working evenings at American Airlines and arrived home at 12:30
    a.m. He left me a beautiful negligee as a present. I made a beautiful midnight supper of lobster tail, wine,
    and other assorted delicacies and was wearing the negligee when he walked in. There were no
    interruptions . . . .

    There's the difference between 1 and 20!!! And I wouldn't trade a minute of it!!!

    Love to all,

    Nina (of the I'm-Going-To-Bed-Now class)

  • DFWnonJW

    coming in just under the wire ..... just wanted to say an almost belated Happy Anniversary to the two of you!!! You both make a lot of us more than a little jealous you know. 20 years going on forever...that's how it's supposed to be.

    Happiest of anniversaries to you both!!

  • morrisamb

    I am so happy for you...from our correspondence Big Tex, I'm sure we share this in common...when I was young, I couldn't imagine experience the love I have in my life now....I am so happy you have love in your deserve it and how wonderful that you found each other!

  • waiting

    Adding my fond wishes for a life of continue as it's been going for 2 loooonnnnng decades!

    Your spouse should be attractive enough to turn you on. Anything more is trouble. - Albert Brooks

    Obviously, y'all have had to watch out for this trouble in your Good Marriage......we've seen pictures of you both......and (being a straight woman) - Tex is worth lookin' at twice when he's dressed in his skirt.

    Congratulations to y'all!


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