JWs: No Infant Baptism! (just children)

by neat blue dog 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Spiral

    I was baptized at 13. I don't consider it valid now at my (very) adult age. It means nothing because I know I didn't understand what potential lifelong obligations it could mean. I just wanted to fit in.

    I think this is a form of child abuse. No one can make a lifelong decision at an age under 21.

    @ Rules&Regulations: i agree. It's as if the bOrg wants to take over all parental authority. So wrong.

  • Biahi

    I was forced one month after I turned 14. I was so stiff when getting dunked, the brother told me to relax. I didn’t want to do it! I was “bracing myself.” This organization sucks big time.

  • FedUpJW

    As children grow, they may in time choose to be baptized. However, to do so, they must understand the commitment they are making.

    So why does the WT discourage teen marriage? Surely if a child is old enough to make a commitment to a church that can never be nullified except under threat of losing ones family and friends they must be old enough to marry!

  • Diogenesister
    zoos A fourteen-year-old baptized now as a JW would have been born in 2006

    2005. The 2006 cohort will turn 14 next year LOL

    source: 2005 models x2 have one careful lady owner (me), a little sluggish getting started on the cold mornings (except weekends for some reason), scrubs up surprisingly nicely after a good rub with a chammy😉

  • 2+2=5

    The bible does not endorse infant baptism nor child baptism, but really the Bible does not endorse plenty of shit they’ve come up with.. so just dunk the babies while they’re still blue and call them dedicated servants of Jehovah. When they start Kindergarten, they can ramp up the pressure not to associate with the little worldly grubs and do any satanic activities, like the Xmas, Easter and that horrible mothers/fathers day stuff. The threat of divine judgement in the little ones eyes is would be so heartwarming for them.

  • DesirousOfChange

    So why does the WT discourage teen marriage? Surely if a child is old enough to make a commitment to a church that can never be nullified except under threat of losing ones family and friends they must be old enough to marry!~ FedUpJW

    YES! This is the best argument ever!

    At 8, 10, or 12 years old, parents don't even kids make their own decisions on how late to stay up, on whether or not to brush their teeth, or perhaps even on what or order in a fast food restaurant. But it's OK to make the "most important decision of your life"?????

    Image result for face palm

  • smiddy3

    And the most laughable part is that JW`s consider a baptised witness a Minister of God ?

    A male or female child of 10 or 12 is a Minister of god ?

    According to the JW/GB ,you don`t have to know or have an understanding of all of the the Bible , Hebrew or Greek

    all you have to do is be baptised as a Jehovah`s Witness and your a minister of their religion .

    They might as well get there Minister credentials out of a breakfast cereal packet .

  • punkofnice
    Spiral - I was baptized at 13. I don't consider it valid now
    Same here. Not valid because of my age and not valid because the watchtower corporation is a scam pretending to be a religion. As BIAHI says: This organization sucks big time.

    Think about the baggage you have because you were not only raised a JW, but baptized as a JW, believing that you are a “sinner” and in need of saving via the “Faithful Slave”; baggage that may very well affect your psyche, or soul for the rest of your life.

    You may never, ever, get over it, no matter what you do. It may haunt every relationship, event, dreams, goal, aspirations that you will ever have. How many times have you wanted to “seek great things for yourself”, but gave up before you even tried because of WT programming?? Do you even know?

    That's what WT wizard is saying. You have no clue how f’d up you really are..


  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Yeah, I got that first part. It's WTWs second paragraph that threw me for a loop.

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