Doctor of theology? Is that like a professor of logic? 😂
If you have a question maybe I can help doctor of theology and one of Jehovah's witnesses
by Jehovahisgod 23 Replies latest jw experiences
Yes I have a question for you? Why are you openly conversing on an apostate web sight, when you have been told not to do it??????
JIG - I have been recovered from my chemical addiction now 34 years I would love to hear your chemical addiction story perhaps you could identify with mine.
I never had any, so can't share anything.
So if you have a question just ask I'll be honest if I don't know I'll tell you I don't know.
Not really. All my questions have been answered and they all prove that the Watchtower(tm) is just a big business pretending to be a religion to get money and power for the Governing Body(tm)(Pee be upon them).
What about your questions to ask us, on this forum?
Surely, if you're not trolling, you must be able to see the Watchtower(tm) for the scam it is?
Regardless of what qualifications he claims to have he can`t be too bright if he is a practicing JW as he claims.
Many e his “degrees” are from reading the Watchtower and Awake! For 10 years. 🤷♀️
I was expecting a "April Fool's Day!" at the end of your post.
pontoon - expecting a "April Fool's Day!" at the end of your post.
I suspect you are correct.
Beth Sarim
"Many e his “degrees” are from reading the Watchtower and Awake! For 10 years. ""
Good point.
If he stands behind the WT's claim that the WT and Awake! are the equivalent of a ''university education'',,,then he has every point to be taken seriously.