by atheist_R_stupid 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OrphanCrow

    Embiggening vocabulary and spelling:



  • Awake at last
    Awake at last

    I didn't mean that we have to be tolerant of opinions that are insulting as the opening comments on this topic were.  My comments were directed to the person who started this.  

    There are many good, loving, caring people on this site and they do not deserve to be spoken to like that.

    If you are sick of this forum, leave, just leave.  You don't have to burn your bridges behind you, therefore not ever being able to come back.  Why lose the support of all the wonderful people on this site by being banned.

    Go away and chill for a while, you may feel better later.

    To all the others, of course you can defend yourselves but you should not have to. We come here for company, discussion, comfort, new ideas and thinking, respect, all the things we didn't get at the hall.

  • nicolaou
    I love you all  :)
  • KateWild

    Goodbye ARS it was strange having you here. Your anger on this site was unjustified. I am a believer, but I don't hate atheist's or generalise that they are stupid.

    I am an xJw and come here for support and to give support to those struggling. You are wrong about this site because you didn't take the time to get to know us all.


    Kate xx

  • fiddler

    Loved the foodie suggestions....delish!

    Was that a fly buzzing around?

    did somebody swat it?

    hope so.

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    If he's a witness then I'm glad I'm not in his cong.  What a nutter!  I mean,  I admire his passion,  but there are ways and means of talking.  I wonder if he'd say these things to an atheist he met on the doors? 

    Calm down dude,   if you wanna discuss why you think we're wrong then DISCUSS,  make a point and invite discussion,  there's really no need to be a tit. 

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Goodbye ARS - he was a bit of an ars, wasn't he

  • Splash

    I think it's very telling and informative that the angriest, shoutiest, least able to reason persons are those that drop on here as WT apologists. Poor ARS did nothing apart from declare his thoughts to be truth, and the whole rest of the world is wrong. No-one in their sane mind would ordinarily believe such nonsense.

    This is, of course, the cult mentality coming out. It's no different to an extremist muslim declaring a fatwa against someone who can logically and provably disagree with them.

    It is learned behaviour. Sitting in the meetings, talking with the local JW's, a differing opinion is never tolerated. It is judged harshly and there are severe consequences. Your mind HAS to be made up for you, and you HAVE to acquiesce.

    I've seen this exact same thing on JW Friendly boards. Someone will ask an innocent question, and the responses are judgmental, hostile, accusative. The person asking is badgered, their motives questioned. Any elders on the board rally together to intentionally misunderstand the question and read terrible things into it. They are instantly defensive. The person asking is put under public suspicion until they apologise, justify themselves etc. It is truly horrible.

    Since first becoming aware of this mind destroying conduct, I see it everywhere with the JW's. You cannot even have a one-on-one discussion without these demons emerging. And when all reason fails there is the fall back position "Are you questioning The Slave?" (large gasp and intake of breath, then recoil at the thought).

    To question, to think for oneself, to use logic, to look at facts, to be reasonable, these things will get you in very deep trouble every time, and I mean EVERY time.

    ARS is just one more going through the exact same aggressive, nasty, routine of telling non-JW's they are stupid and wrong, and the GB are right. Then the GB completely reverse a long held teaching but they are still right and always have been. It beggars belief to hear an adult reason like a child, and I actually find it very sad that they willingly give up their minds so readily to an organisation who are wrong so completely.


    PS. The sun is older than the planets in our solar system. It has to form first, then the planets coalesce around it. Even if we saw this happening with our own eyes, people like ARS would instinctively close theirs so as not to see the truth of things.

  • Onager

    He sounded frightened to me.   I think someone needs a hug...


    Problem is with all those prickles sticking out, hugging is hard.  

  • notsurewheretogo
    It has been a while since we had a resident nutter...I miss that crossdressing black singer guy who told us he was Jesus...

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