The latest young Jehovah's Witness mother to die in childbirth by following the terrible medical advice of Watchtower writers.
Another Young JW dead during childbirth
by Lee Elder 13 Replies latest watchtower medical
This 'news story' is based on a single, uncorroborated Facebook post. Of course it's a tragedy if it's true but I personally wouldn't share this until I got credible confirmation.
I agree with nicolau. Let's make sure that there are reliable sources of information. We non-believers don't need to use half news or unreliable information to state why we don't believe nor trust the WT. They themselves do a great job at making fools of themselves.
I don't understand the hesitance on the other posters here in accepting this story. Thousands of JW's have died from not receiving life saving blood transfusions throughout the years. Why on earth would this Facebook poster be making this story up ? It sounds legitimate to me . Seems as if he is sincerely mournful over the loss of life of this dear lady.
Thanks for posting this Lee Elder. Once again it shows how the WT Society and Jehovah's Witnesses do NOT value this life in the here and now. It's important for non-JW's to see these crimes happening
flipper: I don't understand the hesitance on the other posters here in accepting this story. Thousands of JW's have died from not receiving life saving blood transfusions throughout the years. Why on earth would this Facebook poster be making this story up ? It sounds legitimate to me . Seems as if he is sincerely mournful over the loss of life of this dear lady.
Hundreds, thousands, and more...have died and not been documented in the "reliable" sources that the skeptics demand.
Just think about Eloise Dupuis - the young mother in Quebec who recently died after childbirth. The one and only reason that her death was documented in "reliable" sources was because her nonJW aunt made sure it was.
And then there was Mirlande Cadet. She died within days of Eloise but her death would have gone unnoticed except for all the attention that Eloise's death was getting. Mirlande would not have made it into the "reliable" sources except for Eloise's aunt starting the rumbles in the media and then a reporter getting alerted to the other "insignificant" blood death.
And how many more? How many each year?
That is what makes this story significant - it is one of the very few blood refusal deaths that do make it into the news...even if that news source isn't as reliable as most want it to be.
Guess what? I had an uncle die because of the blood ban. His death didn't make it into "reliable" news sources. But he still died.
I don't need "reliable" news sources to shout out that the WT has claimed another young life.
I have to side with those that want to call attention to this blood world wide problem.
According to the Red Cross and various National Blood Banks 4.5 million American lives are saved each year by blood transfusions. ...
Since JW’S make up .8% of the US population. .8% of those 4.5 million who needed a transfusion is 3600. So roughly speaking 3600 JWs plus or minus will face this situation each year in the US alone.
I don't know how many died for want of a transfusion immediately or seriously shorted their lives by not even getting the operation.
There are 192,000 deaths from Trauma per year on average in the US. It is the leading cause of death for people age 1 to 44.
Out of the 192,000 deaths...... 1536 are JW’s ( representing .8 of the trauma deaths).
With Trauma......... blood loss is often the most immediate emergency.
So with these numbers especially looking at Traumatic injuries an argument could be made that we lose 900 to a 1,000 JW's needlessly per year,,,,,not world wide but just in the US.
So we shouldn't post until we lock down a 2nd confirmation?
You need the 'Two Witness' rule?
The WT gets to make up crap that cost's people their lives.
The WT hides how many people have followed their lead and died because of the No Blood Doctrine.
Am I missing something here?
To all those doubting the validity of this story saying it's a facebook story, when I click it takes me to a Nigerian news website.
Again, am I missing something?
One word in opening post website suggests caution....Allegedly. Other factors may have played a part in the death.... 'Make sure of all things' etc etc
Am I missing something here?
To all those doubting the validity of this story saying it's a facebook story, when I click it takes me to a Nigerian news website.
Again, am I missing something?Because the only source the newspaper references is a single FB post - there's a pic of the post in the article.
I'm now at the stage where I'm extremely sceptical of any 'news' on the internet unless it's from a verifiable reputable source.
I totally get that Landy.
I am too.
Not saying I believed this...just was wondering.