Everything at once, yep that is what is going on here. Our drains backed-up Thunder is reeming them out when our new not even a year old tv is going haywire. WTF why is it when one thing breaks EVERYTHING breaks????? ERRRRRRRRRRRRR
ANything friggin else gonna go belly up?
by SheilaM 14 Replies latest jw friends
Lady Lee
I head ya Sheila
Sometimes you just need to surrender to the frustration
Everything at once, yep that is what is going on here. Our drains backed-up Thunder is reeming them out when our new not even a year old tv is going haywire. WTF why is it when one thing breaks EVERYTHING breaks????? ERRRRRRRRRRRRR
Because Sod's Law tends to come into play at times like these (Sod's law being a natural law that states that if something can go wrong then it probably will go wrong")
hope everything gets better for you
Leebo / figureheaduk
Lady: Thanks yep I agree
Figure: well Sod's law in effect here LOL
refiners fire
By the way, I think this is a GREAT title for a thread
"anythin friggin else gunna go belly up?" classic
err thanks ...just came to me while I was freaking out LOL
When it rains, it pours! I know how ya feel.
This story might cheer you up Sheila: (true story btw)
One Thursday I woke up and got my son ready for school. I walked out of my apartment only to realize that my vehicle was missing. It had been stolen. My phone was out for whatever reason so I walked to the pay phone on the corner. I then realized I had absolutly no cash. I couldn't call my mother collect at work because they didn't accept collect calls. I walked the half mile to the nearest ATM with my hyperactive 5 year old. It started to rain. I got to the ATM and it was temporarily out of order. At this point I run out of cigarettes. I walk back to my apartment and fortunatly my landlady is home so I call my mother on her cell phone. My mother picks me up and takes me to the police station where they inform me that my vehicle was involved in a hit and run accident. Of course I picture dead or maimed people and a completly destroyed vehicle. At this point the maddening headache kicks in! I spend half an hour being interrogated by a police officer who I believe thought that I was involved in the accident somehow. Fortunatly the idiots who stole my van only managed to drive it three blocks before the hit two parked cars and noone was injured. I pay $200 to get my vehicle back out of impound and it's not damaged too badly. I have to replace a headlight but other than that it's not too bad. I have tickets to see my favorite band that night and I've been waiting two months for this concert so there was no way I was going to miss it. I drive down to the concert (one hour away from where I lived at the time) and try to pick up my best friend who promised to go with me. I get lost for almost two hours. I finally find his house but he's not home. He's in Vegas! I decide to go to the concert by myself. As soon as I pull into the parking lot my brake light comes on. At this point I just said "Screw it! I am going to have a good time!" I have a blast at the concert and meet 3 really cool guys who I end up hanging out with all night. One of them let me sleep on his couch and took me bowling the next day while I waited for my brake line to get fixed. All in all it was a maddening few days but I survived it and it makes for an interesting story at least.
When it rains, it pours eh?
I hope everything got fixed okay Sheila!
Why oh why is everything highlighted?
Jehovah is punishing you for your vile deeds.
Aztec: Wow, and I thought my day had sucked. Glad everything worked out for you
grrrr!!! is right. Every time we get a little extra cash something breaks. The day we brought our little baby home our heating system broke. Turns out it was leaking carbon monoxide and we're glad it broke but it cost us $2100 to replace it. Then my husband's engine blew. Then my computer.