Well it is coming up on my one year anniversary here at JWD. (Tomorrow, 6/6)
And holy hell, what a year it has been. I have learned so much from so many. I have been brought to tears because of sadness, joy, rage, laughter...the full spectrum so many times. I have really enjoyed my time here, and I think this board, and the people who post here have really had an impact on my life and changed how I see the world. It's also helped to shape my perspective a bit that there is a great big world out there...and it's not just Jehovah's way or the highway.
I never thought I needed a place like this. Turns out I was wrong.
I remember the rush of first posting. I was a little sponge overwhelmed by the wealth of information I was finally faced with. I was so joyful to find people who had been through the same thing I had. To find a large number of people who "knew the lingo" was just so WILD! For once in my life I didn't feel alone and isolated.
Since then I have gotten a chance to go to some Apostofests, and everyone I have met in person I will always treasure. I can't wait to meet even more of you! A handful I feel very lucky to even say are my new best friends...and you all know who you are, and I love ya to death, and would do anything for any of ya! (Except get baptized).
Where as before, I never imagined myself ever being in a place like this. Now I can't imagine my life without a place like this.
I know I have taken way more then I have ever given back. I am glad you have all been good sports and put up with my sarcasm and useless one-liners--and despite everything--I WAS NEVER BANNED, not even once.
My only regret is that I didn't make emperor before my anniversary--I was so damn close!
So thanks Simon--and thanks to everyone else who posts here. You've all helped more then you will ever know...