Jehovah’s Witnesses: Locusts From the Abyss?

by miner 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AGuest
    "At one time the Watchtower actually correctly identified Abaddon as Satan."

    Abaddon... is not Satan... and he certainly is not the Christ. How do we know he is not Satan? Abaddon/Apollyon... is The Destroyer... whom my Father unleashed upon Egypt, upon Israel, and upon the Assyrians. JAH would never unleash Satan upon His people Israel to kill them. He allows temptation and persecution, yes. But death by the hand of Satan, no. Abaddon is bound NOW; Satan, is to be bound later.

    Hebrews 11:28; Numbers 11:33; 1 Corinthians 10:10; 2 Kings 19:35; Revelation 20:1; 9:1, 11; Job 1:12; 2:6; 26:6

    Satan... is to be bound in Abaddon's realm... the abyss... for 1,000 years... but that has not occurred... yet. Up until THIS time, he was:

    1. One of the angels of the ark, or arkangel... or "cherub that is covering" - Ezekiel 28:14; Exodus 25:18

    2. Assigned to Eden... or "Persia", the land where Eden was established - Ezekiel 28:13; Daniel 10:13

    3. After his act in Eden, he still was able to "go in and out", like all spirit beings except those who are "bound" in Tartarus - Job 1:6, 7; Genesis 28:12

    3. Cast out of Eden, the garden of Paradise ("heaven")... by the OTHER angel of the Ark, Michael - there were only two, and they were EQUAL; the thing GREATER than THEM... was the COVER, or "Propitiatory", my Lord, who is the Truth and toward whom they were BOTH supposed to keep their faces (i.e., remain in union with; "stand fast IN") - but from whom Satan turned his, trying to make himself not only higher than my Lord, but higher than God - so that eventually he was cast down to the earth by Michael, when my Lord was established as king - Exodus 25:18-20; Jude 9; 1 John 2:2; Ezekiel 28:17; Psalm 147:6; Isaiah 14:12-15; Revelation 12:9-12; Matthew 28:17; Daniel 10:13, 21; Jude 9; John 8:44; John 14:6

    In the future, he will be:

    1. Bound for 1,000 years in the pit of the abyss, over which "rules" Abaddon, the king of the abyss - Revelation 20:1

    2. Set loose from that pit for a short time, during which time, there is NO death, but only destruction by fire from God, because for any to die, they would have to be resurrected, either to life or to judgment, but those who die then, die by means of fire directly from God, and thus are simply destroyed... body AND spirit... including Satan. Death, is held at abeyance during this time; only Satan is released from the abyss. Death, the LAST enemy... is hurled into the Lake of Fire later, and afterward "in no more" - Revelation 20:7-10. 13, 14; Matthew 13:25, 39; 1 Corinthians 15:25, 26; Isaiah 25:8; Hosea 13:14

    May you have eyes to see... and ears... to hear. I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • siegswife

    I got out of dodge because of that teaching.

  • DJ


    Me too. The concept of Jesus being Michael never sat right with me in my heart. When they combined the belief that Jesus was an angel and then turned Him into the angel of the bottomless pit........ I knew that this religion was false and my other doubts all began to click together. love, dj

    p.s. tough road to go, wasn't it?

  • siegswife

    Tough indeed. I spent years not even looking at the Bible because everytime I did I found more and more that witnessed against the witnesses. I didn't want to judge them even though I realized they were waaaaaaay off base. I guess I thought Jehovah would fix it eventually. Thank God for the internet and the fine people here. Who knows how long I'd have remained in that inbetween netherworld?

  • DJ


    I know, that in between nether land was a very painful place to be for me too. I didn't want to judge either but at the same time I also realized that I had been judging everyone else because of the witness teachings. Now, I don't feel like I'm judging anyone because the jw teachings are so alien from what the bible says that they are just plain false teachers with a different gospel. Paul said anyone who teaches a different gospel, let him be accursed.(2x) This Rev. 9 teaching is an admission that they do not bring the good news but their intent is to bring harm! While they claim that they are spreading the good news they are also believing that they bring harm and torture to people who open the door and listen. They actually do bring harm too. Notice that the locusts cannot kill. hmmm. Notice also that the locusts cannot harm someone with the "seal of God". In other words, if someone is sealed (holy spirit) then they cannot be harmed by the locusts (jws?). That makes sense to me, because a Christian isn't sucked into their false teachings and therefore is spared their harm. I have no idea if they are actually these locusts but it seems as though they fit the job...?? It would be a first though for the jw's to have a teaching that is I do owe some kind of mixed gratitude to the jw's because if I had not been taught falsly....I have no idea if I ever would have sought the true truth. Make sense? love, dj

  • siegswife

    DJ, I know exactly what you're saying. I've expressed that I feel like I was handed over to Satan for a time because I lacked faith. I had to learn to put my trust in Christ's love and not men.

    I totally agree that the WTS fits the description of the locust well. If that's what they want to be let 'em have at it. Locusts don't live very long. Too bad for the unsuspecting JW's though.

    Love back atcha,


  • KGB


    Good work, I even printed all 8 pages for my next visit at my door by them, when ever that might be ? But I`ll be waiting. Man I love this web site, Really good tools here...Thanks

  • KGB

    I probably just ran out of red ink. LOL

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Fundies do seem to fit the job - coming out of the dark - wanting to eat all the food - not able to eat it themselves - stinging instead

    "What man of you, if he has one sheep and it falls into a pit on the sabbath, will not lay hold of it and lift it out?

  • DJ

    These locusts are demonic and they may very well be people. Obviously, people who claim to speak for Christ and yet are deceitful and oppose Him in reality. Because they are called locusts, it seems that they would "attack" in swarms or groups. They harm those who do not have the spirit of God. They do not have the spirit of God, either. They even torture them, which could be physically but seems more like emotionally or even spiritually. They have come from the abyss and I suppose that they want to take hostages. The life span of a locust is 5 months, so it goes to show that they can inflict this harm all of their lives. They seem to be able to cause such emotional trauma that their victims become extremely depressed/insane and seek suicide in order to get away, yet they can't. A very disturbing scenario but not unlike most experiences here.

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