I have been thinking a lot lately, with Anthony graduating and going into the Marines. But, a horrible thought hit me the other day. WHAT if when Thunder and I chose to leave the "LIE" the kids had stayed. My GOD I just never thought about it. I mean I knew my kids but what if, I actually got cold chills thinking of that scenario. Do any of you think this or have had this situation?
What if...
by SheilaM 15 Replies latest jw friends
Hey maybe that's Thunder's next book...saving his own kids from an evil cult...I can see it now...sword in hand cruising the Kingdom Hall parking lots...eheheh...Thunder's Revenge...eheh
District Overbeer
Hmmm not bad, not bad ......
If the family dont all leave together, its a nightmare situation all around. What if you had stayed and the kids had left? and they convinced you to shun them! Doesnt bare thinking about.
I think ESTEE is in the situation you mentioned and mouthy too as well as others here.
Everyone I know has left family behind in there, but I am with you, the thought of my kids ever being JWs and rejecting us for "the lie" is the most repulsive thought of all.
Big Tex
We're lucky. Jennie and Jackson are 9 and 7 respectively, so they go where we go. But in talking to them, neither would have stayed if it were up to them. They hated it.
I agree with Brummie - it is a nightmare.
I have left the WTS with one son. My husband and other two children are still in. The past few months have been hell and I have got to the point where I am cracking up. My husband treats me like I have crawled out from under a stone. My two kids get worried when I don't go to the KH as they think I am doomed and liable to be destroyed in a puff of smoke at the big A. The elders in my KH are the biggest, two-faced gits ever to walk this earth, yet my husband thinks they are decent men because they are 'JWs in good standing'. I am getting angry and depressed just typing this, so I think I'll call it a day.
My ex is nominally a JW last I checked, (some kind of fade thing, I think) so its possible the kids might want to be JWs too when they grow up, but I doubt it. They already like birthday parties, extracurricular activities, learning, and ghost stories. Trading those away just to worship some cruel and fictitious god would be silly, when they've already seen by example how easy it is to walk away. And if not when they are adults and can make that decision I will let them know everything that is trulyl f\/cked up about the dubs.
Rebel, I hope you get a lot of support here, it will do you good to talk this through regular. You must feel totally frustrated and mostly alone
((((((((Rebel))))))))) I'm sorry that you are in this situation. I can't imagine the pain you are in.
The possiblity just never occured to me
SheilaM, what a horrible thought if that came to pass. That would be like addicting them to a drug and then saying "no more". Our family was the only one with the JW's in a family tree of 15 families. My X blames me and the JW's for ruining our family...not entirely true. I feel so sorry for the ones that innocently loved God and thought JW the best way to Him. That makes me sorry for me too.
May all our tomorrows be brighter.