Thanks everybody for your comments. Some have pointed out that there is basically nothing new in the statements about not everyone getting a personal witness and so forth. That is probably true, looking at Blondie's posted wt references. It doesn't and wouldn't surprise me at all for there to be a postion in print which allows the WTS to wiggle out of commitment to 'witness' to everyone personally, and also simultaneously co-existing, a belief among the r-and-f JWs that everyone will indeed get a personal chance to hear the 'word'. I know when I became a JW, concern about each person on earth getting a proper chance was very important to me, and it is easy enough to imagine how unfair it would seem personally, if oneself were a member of some far flung or foreign cluture who gets the nebulous, blanket, generic 'witness' instead of a personal chance. I wanted to believe that all would get a sufficient opportunity, and to abandon that, would have been new to me as a JW, regardless of whatever weasel phrases were in the published literature. When the PO made those statements to me, he did so with the attitude that it was a position of 'increased understanding', though I have no specific places to point to you, Dedalus, for something in print to back it up. I was just reporting what he told me. The magazines he brought me were the first I have seen in months, since they stopped the magazine subs, and I haven't wanted to go to the KH just to get them. I rely on this board and the people who are still inside and posting what they hear on the board for my updates on things. This 'brother', the PO, likes to fancy himself a real thinker and up on all the latest, so maybe he was just spinning things in an effort to pique my interest. I think that what was said to me, and in light of the comments here, really bring home to me what great masters of "spin" the Witnesses are. No matter what happens, they can weave it into their scenario and make it look like evidence for their interpretation of prophecy. The most disturbing moments of the whole episode were inside me. There was a brief instant, when that "Oh my God, what if they are right?" thought swept through my mind. It did not linger long though, because so much has happened to me since I left, that I have no doubt that I did the right thing, and that such an induced thought was merely the lingering echoes of mind control triggers firing in my psyche.