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by little witch 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • little witch
    little witch

    OK Logansrun, start your own thread! LOL

    But now that My curiousity is piqued, please explain, cause I just really don't have a clue! Besides, I checked in the archives, and this topic has already been hashed over on more than one occasion. (I feel so stupid)

  • logansrun

    little witch,

    I'm sorry. I did kinda hijack your thread. As so many say in the judicial committees, "One thing just led to another.." haha

    Well, my username "logansrun" is inspired by the 1976 movie "Logan's Run" which is about a world of total pleasure except for one catch -- all life must end at thirty. Those who wish to question this are known as "runners" and try and find "sanctuary" -- life outside the futuristic city in which they live. Of course, the story closely parallels leaving the JWs -- the people of the city were told that this "death at 30" philosophy was the only way to go; the best way. I think you can fill in the rest.

    It's really a great flick, full of cheesy special effects, some bad acting and scantily clad women. There's rumors it's going to be remade in the near future. Read all about it at www.logansrun.com


  • little witch
    little witch

    I see. So you are a collector of Logan's Run memoribilia?

    PS, no sweat about the hijack, I bombed anyway, lol

  • logansrun

    Ha! No, I'm not that much of a geek. I got the pic's from another site. I don't own any science fiction memorablia. Really, I don't. No, seriously. Why don't you believe me? Haha


  • gitasatsangha

    IIRC in the original book, the people in the City actually died (went to Carusel) at 20, but the director had a problem getting suitble stars and cast for such a film.

    I like the logan's run set, and the costumes as well. I hope they don't remake it, considering what a foul job they did of another pre-starwars classic, "Rollerball"

    sorry for hijacking this thread its all my fault.

  • Aztec

    Oh my lord Bradley! That dress is way too short! I could get df'd for wearing something like that...


  • little witch
    little witch

    I'll have to watch it now. My kids are big sci-fi fans. I hate to admit this, and open myself to public scorn, but my favorite sci-fi movie is ''little shop of horrors''. Not the Roger Corman original, but the remake with Ellen Green and Rick Moranis. So Cheesy!

    My son likes those oldies like War of the Worlds, and so forth, drives me nuts!!

  • simplesally

    Farrah Fawcett was in that movie........ pre-Angel movie!

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