What happens when the Governing Body dies off?

by truthseeker 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • truthseeker

    Most of the GB members are in their 80s and 90s. With the passing of Milton Henschel (82), one wonders if they'll all live to be nearly 100, like Freddy Franz.

    So let's take a theoretical look into the future, 11 years from now.

    The year is 2014

    The last GB member dies. The faithful and discreet slave class are no longer in existence. Control of the org falls solely to the other sheep.

    How can they write articles for the magazines? What will they release at the conventions?

    Last year at a convention, a brother told me that some of the speakers were of the 'Nephinim' class, those who take over the work of the GB. One particular speaker who was of this class looked almost 90 years old.

    Come on guys, 11 years will go quickly. What do you think will happen?

  • NeonMadman

    Simple, they just keep appointing more "company men" to the GB, like they've been doing right along. Already there are several members who were born after 1935, the supposed cutoff date for being of the anointed. Why do you think anything will change in 11 more years?

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    Come on, this is so simple ..............

    The Watchtower will have "new light on this situation and determine they meant 1975 not 1914 , that this generation will by no means pass away" and heavens doors closed in 1995 not 1935.

    Actually it is a good question, just couldn't resist a "bit" of sarcasm.

    The next ten years are the "make it or break it years" for the watchtower.

    How can you have people leading the organization (Don Adams, current president) that are not of the so called "annoited class", one senses a complete overhaul in their doctrines.

    I have always said since I was young that religion (especially the JW's) is like a hollywood storyboard, you know the beginning, you know the ending, it's just how to keep the middle going on and on and on and on and on because the ending never comes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Will the Watchtower collapse ???????

    I would have answered "not a snowballs chance in hell" , but the last couple of years, they are screwing up beyond belief.

    The new headquarters in Patterson is taking a lot heat from loyal JW's, let alone us so called "apostates"

    So, NEVER SAY NEVER ............

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Isn't David Splaine on the GB and anointed. At least he was anointed 18 years ago and he was about 35-40 years old then - a pup compared to some of the old guys

    They will find some scripture to validate new anointed or make up a new class to take over

    and the R&F will swallow it hook line and sinker

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    The Watchtower will have "new light on this situation and determine they meant 1975 not 1914 , that this generation will by no means pass away" and heavens doors closed in 1995 not 1935.

    they already did that although the years and century are different

    besides since the R&F don't know the history there is nothing to stop them from doing it again now is there?

  • 144thousand_and_one

    It will cease governing and start decomposing.

  • Gerard

    His office clerks dance around him.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Maybe, perhaps, possible.......................................



  • drwtsn32
    The next ten years are the "make it or break it years" for the watchtower.

    While I admire your optimism and would love to see the WTS "break" in the next 10 years, your prediction sounds too JW-esque. "This old system of things only has 10 years left, at the most!"

    I will be very surprised to see the end of the WTS in the near future, but I would simply love for it to happen so that my family members can be freed.

  • onacruse

    I've had extended conversations with one of the "Nethinim," and if he's any indication of what the next 10 years might bring, I say go for it! The crothety old anal-retentive bastards running the show now will (thank God ) not be around forever, and in the natural evolution of high-control groups, things will liberalize. Not a matter of if...just when.


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