can Satan read your mind?

by doodle-v 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • maxwell

    Okay this thread has me thinking of all kinds of crazy irrelevant questions.

    How loud do you have to talk for the spirit beings who can't read your mind to hear you? Can they hear whispers? How close do they have to be to hear you?

    How smart are these spirit beings. Of course, they've supposedly been around since the creation of man more than 6,000 years ago. So did they learn all of the 1000's of languages spoken, handwritten and hand signaled that developed over that time.

    Can they read my computer screen? Can they detect files in computer memory that haven't been displayed? Can they read emails before I read them?

  • be wise
    be wise

    This is the kind of small minded childish bullshit that turned me into the typical paraniod very young JW. The stuff you would hear from the magazines and platform are just plain evil for a child to witness. FREAKS!

    Now they can kiss my adult ass ...they really are that pathetic, aren't they.

  • blackout

    Can Satan hear everything, every person in the world is saying at once? Can he then dispatch demons here, there and everywhere to cover every possibility? How many demons are there anyway? Do the demons hear everything then telepathically send it back to Satan? If they have telepathy why cant they read our minds? Are we mentally stronger? Or do they teleport back and forth across the earth, if so why can't they also use telepathy?

    Oh man!

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    First you'd have to convince me he exists somewhere other than the feverish imaginations of religious zealots.

  • starScream
    can Satan read your mind?

    I have no idea. I kind of doubt it though.

    "because Jehovah told them, of course!"

    Wow, I didn't know they were still that naive. No offense.

    How many demons are there anyway?
    Well it is one third of heaven that rebelled. So there are apporximately twice as many Angels as there are demons. I forget where they got it but the JWs (and they are probably right on this one) said that there are 10,000s x 10,000s of angels so there are between 100 million and about 1.99 billion angels. There are therefore between 50 million and about .99 billion demons. If the saying myriads upon myriads was simply describing the incomprehensible number then there could be trillions of angels and trillions of demons.

    I think it was probably an approximate suggestion and that there are about 300 million angels with about 150 million demons.

    that is a lot of demons. I never really thought of how many demons there are but that is a lot. I always thought of the demons as like satan and then maybe a few dozen demons. Satan is like a Rock Star isnt he. Actually, Satan was in charge of music (so im told) in heaven so he was perhaps the original rock star.

  • Wolfgirl

    I was always told that he couldn't read your mind, but he could piece things together by your body language, habits, etc. Why I never questioned this is beyond me. It's nowhere in the Bible. I was so brainwashed. :(

  • oldcrowwoman

    I don't think so~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  • Mecurious?
    I was raised a witless, all I heard as a child was not to say what you fear the most out loud

    Okay, I fear wininng the lottery. Think he heard me?


  • expatbrit


    You said:

    Nowhere does scripture support that Satan can read the minds of human beings. So if scripture doesn't say he can read minds, therefore he cannot.

    Then you said:

    Or in my case, I don't think it outloud in sign language either, he does know ASL.

    However, I am here to provide spiritual comfort to you! For Brother, where in scripture does it say that Satan knoweth ASL? Sign away, brethren, for the serpent doth wot not what thy hand motions signify!


  • teejay


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