Roadside Assistance?

by outnfree 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • outnfree


    Two years after I moved to Michigan, I had a herniated disc at L4-5, which blew when I was out of state. I had to be transported home flat on my back in a van and the out-of-state dr. told me COMPLETE bed rest for 15 days. (Later, my neurosurgeon told me I probably should have had surgery right then and there, but that's another story.)

    The congregation "love-bombed" me. Meals for the duration and two sisters came and cleaned my house from top to bottom (no mean feat! --
    it's large with lots of bathrooms).

    Three years later, when I actually had back SURGERY with a 4-6 week convalescence this is what happened: My best friend (sister) came to the hospital with flowers and a card, visited me at home twice and phoned almost daily.
    (NOTE: My [non-JW] mother-in-law came for the first two weeks to take care of me, my husband and my four kids)
    Another sister stopped by one day with a plant and a card.
    I got a card from one or two others and a call from the PO about 3 weeks through.
    Nobody even OFFERED to cook or clean -- though I probably would not have accepted the meals, cleaning my bathrooms for me, perhaps, as bending over was really difficult (still is some days!) would have been nice once my m-in-law was gone. Also, vacuuming is really difficult for one with lower back surgery. (Dusting, laundry and meal prep could all be done in stages.)

    I was still an active witness, Sister Always Prepared, and it was NOT nice. What had changed? Nothing but attitude. It was an eye-opener.


  • slipnslidemaster


    What was the difference between the three years? Why didn't they help during the surgery? I'm not clear.

  • Francois2

    It is particularly egregious for people to use the words of Jesus to justify their vile bigotries.

    My father, who has a strong German heritage, uses the scriptures to justify his continuing hatred of the Jews. I told him once that it was obscene for a person of German heritage to use the words of Jesus like that. But being a JW, he feels he can apply the scriptures any damn way he pleases.


  • nojw86

    Outnfree, This is non credit to people who feel that they have the truth, which is so far removed from that. With their shunning policies so many meek ones are leaving this org. I too was in a terrible car with my daughter the car was totaled we came out with our lives, we were on our to the meeting, it was never announced at the meeting so that I could receive some comfort. I can count on one hand who called. If only I was not trying to prove to Satan I was strong in the truth I would have left long before my accident. They only do things because they have do them , not because they want to really want to such as assisting you in your time of need. They is no love in this org. just man made rules, by the way I love your name Outnfree, just you love it now that you are, I am. nojw

  • outnfree


    The ONLY difference three years later that I could see was that I was no longer NEW at that Kingdom Hall. Therefore they had nothing to prove as to their "righteousness."

    Otherwise, I was still active (auxiliary pioneering from time to time), attended all the meetings with my kids (even though I had an unbelieving mate), and PARTICIPATED at all meetings, AND I was one who showed up for KH cleaning and outside planting & clean-up (again, with my kids).


    Thank you for your kind words. I DO rejoice to be out, but there are so many still IN that I want to help become escapees, too!!! The DF'd PO's son is one.


  • slipnslidemaster

    Am I the only one to think this or did it seem like the sisters with unbelieving mates and children seemed to be "tolerated" or marginalized? They never seemed to be "full" Witnesses to anybody in the congregation.


    My name is Slipnslideius Masterus: commander of the armies of the North, general of the Felix legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius...

  • ozziepost


    Sad but true this account about the Dfd P.O. son and the MS with a broken-down car is all too common. I wonder how many other repentant ones are put off by the treatment they receieve? Those having oversight simply excuse such conduct with: "It just shows they ween't truly repentant." How many times would Jesus have to repeeat the illustration of the prodigal son to a JW before they understood it, I wonder?


  • claudia

    Yes slayer, that is truly disgusting

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