WARNING from JW - you never know who's posting

by Tashawaa 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tashawaa

    I found this at H2O - LMAO!!! But the person posting was serious

    "Actually thats a good metaphor for true Christian soldiers. The internet is a virtual battlefield for strong opposing influences of evil and good to battle it out. The sad part is seeing spiritually weaker ones wander onto this battlefield and get mercilessly machine gunned down. Recently a sister posted on a closed members-only board that she heard of a rather disturbing situation on a major JW-only internet bbs out of Maryland - someone posing as a recently DF'd brother was harassing JWs and a sister on that board managed to track down this apostate with the help from some friends in her district who are in the investigative business. They helped her track this individual to a house in a small town up the coast. The house was for sale and they contacted the realtor whose name was on the account. The realtor wasn't even a JW and she denied posting on the online service. Phone records from a line in that house showed numerous calls to that same online service. These calls were all in the middle of the night. The realtor claimed admitted to having left her laptop computer running in the house 24/7 during the sale because the she used that house as her temporary real estate office. The sister was incredulous about this woman realtor's posing as an ex-JW apostate brother and delved deeper into the owners of the house. Evidently the house was owned by a JW family who were forced to move out because the house was "demonized"!! Start putting two and two together. The answer, in a word, is Unbelievable.

    Folklore or truth, this account has given me much pause for reflection on exercising reasonable caution in whom I fellowship with online sight unseen. Even though I doubt the credibility of her sources for this amazing story the Bible indeed warns about demonic forces in the last days. During Jesus time the demons performed supernatural acts in their attempt to imitate Christ. I don't blame anyone for questioning this tale and its implications. I'm like Thomas in that I have to see it to believe it myself. This might make a great tale to tell others around a camp fire over marshmellows and coffee ha ha!"

    Hmmmmm could-it-maybe-be-S-A-T-A-N Just a little SNL.

  • WildHorses
    Recently a sister posted on a closed members-only board that she heard of a rather disturbing situation on a major JW-only internet bbs out of Maryland

    Here is the proof that the story is made up. An ex jw would only last one post. As soon as they made it known he was an ex jw or d/f he would be GONE.

  • nilfun
  • SYN

    So the demons have learnt how to use web browsers now?

    That must've been an uphill battle, considering how they're invisible spiritual creatures & all.

  • teejay
    Recently a sister posted on a closed members-only board that she heard of a rather disturbing situation on a major JW-only internet bbs out of Maryland...

    JWs and their demon stories. Oooooo. Spooky.

    FWIW, I am a Realtor. The only pc I've used over the past four years is a laptop. I use a laptop mainly for one reason -- portability. In other words... YOU CAN UNPLUG THE FREAKIN' THING AND TAKE IT WITH YOU. And in this story the Realtor (supposedly) not only leaves their $2,000 business tool in an empty house but LEAVES IT ON ALL NIGHT??! Right. Whatever.

    All this dumb ass poster is trying to do is scare their fellow dubs off the Net because... hey!... you can't even safely post to JW-only dbs for fear of running into demons posting online in the middle of the night. Right. Whatever.

  • Amazing

    Hi Teejay: Yep. I am in real estate as well, and your points are on target. This story stinks to high heavens. It sounds like something a young janitor half-ass wanna-be-a-pioneer JW might write. The shear ignorance speaks for itself. - Jim W.

  • expatbrit

    Yeah, like demons are still going to be using dial-up. Get real!


  • Mecurious?

    Yeah, cuz all the demons I know prefer at least T1 lines.


  • rocketman
  • wednesday

    well it is about time we had some modern updated jw demon stories . I like the use of DB-new , tecky and all designed to scare the witnless. Those demons will ump right throujgh the phone lines if we let them. -and heavens, the cable lines!


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