You disassociate yourself in writing?..
I always wondered..What would be the purpose..You have already told them you are no longer a JW.
Like someone said before..It would be like firing someone who already quit!..
When I wrote my letter many years one even called on me. A while back my JW MIL told me they asked if it was OK to be with me and they told her..It is OK because she is not disfellowshipped!..DUH..well they went back and forth on that one..some said yes ..some said NO!..
Later hubby said something about how he heard a long time ago they had "disfellowshipped " me. I just looked at him. I thought we go again!
I guess he forgot..his Mom just told us they did NOT .
But that's all behind me now!..No more rollar more playing with my mind..Let the JW's play their games with someone else!..
Snoozy..aka..Golden Girl