Do they disfellowship you if...

by Golden Girl 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    You disassociate yourself in writing?..

    I always wondered..What would be the purpose..You have already told them you are no longer a JW.

    Like someone said before..It would be like firing someone who already quit!..

    When I wrote my letter many years one even called on me. A while back my JW MIL told me they asked if it was OK to be with me and they told her..It is OK because she is not disfellowshipped!..DUH..well they went back and forth on that one..some said yes ..some said NO!..

    Later hubby said something about how he heard a long time ago they had "disfellowshipped " me. I just looked at him. I thought we go again!

    I guess he forgot..his Mom just told us they did NOT .

    But that's all behind me now!..No more rollar more playing with my mind..Let the JW's play their games with someone else!..

    Snoozy..aka..Golden Girl

  • DJ


    HI! I'm sorry that I don't have the answer to your question but even if I wouldn't matter because it could change any second depending on the mood of the org. I really wanted to say Hi to you and ask you how you've been doing.?? I'm sure that it has been a difficult adjustment time for you. I'm happy to hear from you and hope that you are well and feeling stronger every day. love, dj

  • freedom96

    If you write a letter announcing that you have DA'd yourself, that is the way it should be announced. That is all I ever saw.

  • garybuss

    The actual practice of shunning depends on who you are and where you are and who your relatives are and where they are and who the elders are and how much money is involved. I insist they all shun me and then there is no confusion about how I feel and I make the rules just so I know where I stand and I shun all the shunners.

    Now, let's party!

  • Hamas

    Garybuss, fine comment.

    Also, it helps of course if daddy is an elder

  • minimus

    For LEGAL reasons, if you dissasociate yourself in the middle of a disfellowshipping hearing,the meeting will end and you will be promptly announced as disassociated......This is much neater and cleaner, you see.

  • garybuss

    I sent a formal written summons by certified mail to every elder I knew to show up at a public forum to meet some of their victims and to defend their behaviors. They did not show up so I disfellowshipped them.

    Their victims did show up and they did testify and their stories matched mine and their stories matched yours written here and on all the forums and in all the books and they matched my files and my files are full of correspondences from victims and I am ashamed to ever have been associated with the group called Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I have a duty to myself to shun them for the crimes they have committed and for the criminals they have supported and for all the lies they told us and for all our childhoods we missed and for our fears and our guilt and our having to live with the expectation of impending doom, for the old who have died and for the babies not yet born and for the broken families and the refused medical treatment. All without choice or the benefit of full disclosure and all under threat. That, in any context except religion, is coercion, discrimination, and fraud.

    Now, let's party!

  • jst2laws

    Hi Golden Girl, how have you been.

    If you were asking can the DF you because you disassociated yourself the answer is no. DFing must go through the official process. If they DF without meeting with you it must be after several legit attempts to meet as a judicial committee and enough evidence present to take action without your presence (two witnesses).

    The bros ussually jump at the chance to accept ones disassociation because it makes their job so much easier.

    BTW, this is Steve from the old Ferguson KH.


  • rocketman

    Yep, they generally just accept it as is and annouce it as a disassociation.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    What I already knew!..Poor hubby..had to believe the lies!...sigh...

    Hi Steve!....


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