A question for Sword of Jah

by AwakenedAndFree 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • AwakenedAndFree
    Sword of Jah said:The point is that JWs did not prophesy, they were trying to understand a prophesy that is already written in the Bible.

    Dear Sword of Jah If the Watchtower Society did not prophesy, please show me the prophesy in the Holy Scriptures that the Watchtower Society used in the understanding of the 1935 (1930's) - Heavenly Calling doctrine. Does the prophecy mention 1935? Thanks in advance. ISAIAH 62:6:" ... :"YOU who are making mention of Jehovah, let there be no silence on your part," Christian Love, AAF Thanks in advance.

  • AwakenedAndFree
    Sword of Jah said: We believe it was clarified by his organization that is guided by Jehovah.

    Dear Sword of Jah, You mentioned that the year 1935 is not in the Bible - you are right, it's not! The Watchtower Society claims to have the "1914 Doctrine" clarified by means of using a formula using Bible prophesy. Here is the formula:

    October, 607 B.C.E.- October, 1 B.C.E.- = 606 YEARS October 1, B.C.E.- October, 1914 C.E. = 1914 YEARS SEVEN GENTILE TIMES =2,520 YEARS

    Please show me the formula the Watchtower Society used in the clarification of Bible prophecy regarding the year 1935 were the Watchtower concluded the year 1935 (or as you say:1930's") being the year Jehovah God accomplished His Heavenly Calling? You told me that the Society understood the Bible prophecy in 1935 (you say 1930's). Were is the formula to show 1935 (or in the 1930's) as been the designated year according to Bible prophesy? Thanks in advance. ISAIAH:"62:6"..." YOU who are making mention of Jehovah, let there be no silence on YOUR part," Christian Love, AAF

  • SwordOfJah

    It's not a prophesy. It is believed that the heavenly calling ended in the 1930's. This is the new phrase used in current publications instead of dogmatically saying 1935. This belief is based on the events of the convention where Rutherford explained the new interpretation of the meaning of the other sheep. I believe it went something like "those that are from the other sheep" stand up. I think that's what happened if my recollection is true. Most of the attendees stood up showing that most of the new Witnesses in that era were of the other sheep. But to answer your question directly: No, it cannot be proved Biblically that all the annointed were selected by the 1930's. It is just an assumption based on the history of the Organization.

  • avishai
    It is just an assumption based on the history of the Organization.

    THANK YOU!! Most of what the JW's spout is exactly that, NOT "prophesy" or "truth", & yet, if you are one, you are required to act as if it is, because the org. is "sprit directed". If you disagree, you are DF'd, & not allowed to see your family, all because of "assuptions". "What we believe" "New light". "Tacking". So, in escence, you are punished horribly over what someone "thinks" not knows. Its double-speak. The dubs tell you over & over that the org. is'nt a "prophet". If it is'nt, why the hell should we listen? And subject ourselves to shunning? If it IS, why are they "misunderstanding"? You just can't have it both ways, SoJ. Apply the same logic to say, the mormons, & you'd have no problem calling it b.s. You're talking in circles, & I am seriously concerned about your cognitive skills.

  • SwordOfJah

    If you disagree, you are DF'd

    That's not intirely true. You can disagree all you want and your won't get disfellowshipped. A judicial committee is formed when you start preaching your beliefs publically and causing divisions within the congregation. I remember when I was a ministerial servant, I was talking to a family member that served as an elder and I was telling him of something that I disapproved about the body of elders in my congregation. He said something wise to me: "I understand your viewpoint but you have to learn when to talk and when to be quiet. Talk when Jehovah gives you the authority to talk, that will be when you become an elder."

  • happyout


    But, if you disagree with a teaching, how could you in good conscience go out into the ministry and teach others about it? And if you don't go into the ministry, you likely will receive a sheperding call from the elders wondering why you aren't going. If you explain honestly that you don't agree with a teaching, you would be asked questions such as "Do you believe the WTS is Jehovah's organization here on earth?" and things along those lines until you are either forced to "change your mind" or you will be branded an apostate. Please don't say this is an exaggeration, it is precisely what happened to a number of people. So, either lie and say you believe, or be forced out. That's your choice. You are not allowed to disagree, even mentally, because that leads to certain actions that will lead to pressure to "take a stand". It's one of the reasons I left, I had to be free to believe what made sense to me, not just what I was told to believe.


  • avishai
    That's not intirely true. You can disagree all you want and your won't get disfellowshipped. A judicial committee is formed when you start preaching your beliefs publically and causing divisions within the congregation.

    Nope, I know personally of situations where people questioned doctrine privately w/ elders & were DF'd, ask some of the x-elders on this board.

  • SpannerintheWorks

    SwordOfJah! Can you please clarify?

    Are you:

    A. A complete and utter bullshitter, pretending to be adherent to Watchtower

    policies and beliefs.

    B. An on-the-fence JW, "testing the water".

    C. Just another braindead, cerebrally-vacuous victim of the Watchtower?


  • borgfree


    I believe it went something like "those that are from the other sheep" stand up. I think that's what happened if my recollection is true. Most of the attendees stood up showing that most of the new Witnesses in that era were of the other sheep

    This was of course after the speaker spent most of the talk telling the attendees that unless they were "sure" "without a doubt" etc. that they were of the heavenly class to "not" partake of the emblems.

    My mother was one of those who had been taking the emblems since the early 1920s, but, after the admonition from the speaker, she stopped. She was a very humble person and could not imagine that she was worthy of going to heaven.


  • worldlygirl
    "I understand your viewpoint but you have to learn when to talk and when to be quiet. Talk when Jehovah gives you the authority to talk, that will be when you become an elder."

    When to talk = when they tell you to

    When to be quiet = any other time

    All you former elders out there, did you honestly feel that Jehovah had given you the authority to talk? And by talk, I mean to express your feelings on a particular subject???

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