I got a phone call last night from the PO in my old congregation. I haven't attended in 2 years now. Anyway, The PO asked if they could meet with me and I said no. Next thing I know I'm on a conference call via phone with 3 elders..you guessed it..they got their dirt, wanted confirmation and called back 30 minutes later saying they would announce my DF'ing next Thursday night at the meeting. So next Thursday around your meeting time raise a glass in a toast..."Another one bites the dust"
Would you join me in a toast?
by noidea 20 Replies latest jw friends
I have been wondering what was going on with you. I hope that the DFing isn't too scary for you. If it gets too freaky and you want to talk, I have sent you my home phone number via private message. Call me any time.
Congratulations on your freedom.
Lady Lee
Hi Noi nice to see you.
as for the announcement Glad to see you join the other side
Hope it doesn't bring too much hardship
Missed ya
I would have hung up on them. CLICK! LOL
little witch
I'll drink to that!
But I do hope everythings ok, all joking aside. Buncha dirty old men, nobody went into the ''little back room'' to offer up some gossip, so they had to create something on they're own! Old bastards!
(((Robyn, Lady & WildHorses))) I miss everyone here. Life keeps me a little busy so it's hard to get on like I use to. But life is good so I won't complain. I don't think the DF'ing will be bad..I have 1 brother "in" but he has little to do with me anyway. When I stopped going to the meetings that pretty much ended the friendships I had. little witch..it wasn't gossip they were going on..Someone ratted me out and I did fess up so that they would know that my soon to be X would be able to re-marry and the ASSemblies are coming up. I think the stupidest thing they said was that I was "contaminating" the congregation..I said "I didn't know how I could do that since I haven't been to the meetings in 2 years."
Hey girl how are you and your sister doing..........sounds like things are going good, even with the d/f,,,,,,,,, Boy they like to get on that phone don't they? THat is how we d/a ourselves, my hub and I, over the phone,,,,,,, what a bunch of losers they are .....lol.
Great to hear from ya,,,,,,,,,and here's an early toast for ya hon........* lifts glass* cheers....and welcome to the dark side,,,,,,,, or should I say welcome to FREEDOM!!!!!!!whoooohooooo
No way in hell I would have sat there on the phone and gone through that. What arrogance. I would have made it hard for them, just like they made life hard for me.
This is disgusting. They called you just so they could DF you?
My heart is with you, and I'll be there Thursday with that toast.
Raising my glass to salute your freedom--clink.