Seems like there has been a hell of a lot more "internet censorship" in the last couple of years by big companies (Twitter, Facebook, Google/YouTube) even with net neutrality - I don't think people actually understand what it means.
The basis of it is really that the biggest cap companies don't have to pay for the infrastructure that their money machines rely on - other people have to pay for it even though they consume most of it. So costs should be passed on to them.
How this affects you? It doesn't. It's which big companies get to pocket your money and how it is distributed between them.
What I think IS needed is some oversight of these companies to give people some rights. For instance, can some anonymous user at Twitter just look at your data? (hint, they can and they do). Can someone at YouTube decide they don't like your politics and demonetize you? (hint, they can and they do). Can facebook show unlimited political adverts and it not be classed as any form of campaign contribution or unfair influence? (hint, they can and they do).