Trying to make sense of the bible is a complete waste of time. Its a book of fools running around doing crazy shit and say they are talking to god. A hand full of the obvious moral things such as does it really take a god to say its not good to screw your neighbors wife or steal his cow or kill him? Most every religion in the world has this crap in its code of conduct. Then you have lot who just has to screw his daughters a few mile outside of the destroyed cities of Sodam and Gomorrah , Or Jebtha burning his daughter because he made a promise to god that he would sacrifice what ever he saw upon returning from winning a battle. WTF could go wrong there. IMO the bible is one of the worst POS literature pieces ever written.
What's up with old geezers in the Bible?
by eyeuse2badub 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The two children born to Lot and his daughters were named Moab and Ben-Ammi. They became the forefathers to the Moabites and Ammonites, two of Israel's long time enemies.
It could be that the writer of the account (Moses?) included it for the purpose of explaining the origins of these two peoples.
2 Peter:
"And by reducing the cities of Sod′om and Go·mor′rah to ashes, he condemned them, setting a pattern for ungodly people of things to come. 7 And he rescued righteous Lot, who was greatly distressed by the brazen conduct of the lawless people— 8 for day after day that righteous man was tormenting his righteous soul over the lawless deeds that he saw and heard while dwelling among them. 9 So, then, Jehovah knows how to rescue people of godly devotion out of trial,"
The bar is set pretty low to be considered a "righteous man". I guess Peter didn't know that "righteous Lot" was a incestuous old geezer!
just saying!
stan livedeath
havent you lot ever had a paper bag job ?
Well in the case of Jacob, perhaps we should not imagine the sophisticated / advanced love making of today. It was dark and perhaps IT involved a simple mating act similar to what they observed the animals had. Lot was very likely a very primitive man with a low understanding of ethics and formulated laws. His justification before God did not involve keeping of laws from all we know yet not given to man, but rather being elect by God and obeying his command. Think more of a Conan the barbarian type than some morale saint. The problem for the jw is probably that they compare these men to modern age men and the regime they as jws are subject to
St George of England
havent you lot ever had a paper bag job ?
Stan, You may need to explain that for the benefit of our US friends!
Doctor Who
We know what that is in the USA. We also use the term butter face. Everything about her is hot, but her face. Better bag it!
Lot was very likely a very primitive man with a low understanding of ethics and formulated laws. His justification before God did not involve keeping of laws from all we know yet not given to man,You might have a point EXCEPT god had just told Lot to flee the morally depraved cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Me thinks that Lot knew and understood what incest was.
just saying!
Half banana
@Bobcat, yes it's a story of explanation, truth has little to do with it.
It always helps to put others down to elevate yourself. . . The account demeans the neighbouring tribes (Moabites and Ammonites) by describing them as fathered by incest. However through the Moabite Boaz, it brings the line of David through Lot. Confusing -- but that is myth for you.
Like most stories from the Bronze Age, the sordid details make it memorable but perhaps a bit short on good taste!
We know what that is in the USA.
Yes, in the US we tend just to use the term "use a paper bag" for the less attractive people.
If the person is really ugly, then we say "double bagger." That is to insure if one bag falls off there is another one behind it.
Rub a Dub