cj & xjw_b12:
I go through this issue with my own kids every so often. Fortunately, my parents haven't turned up the shunning to MAX yet. However, they will not visit us in our home, even though they know that they are welcome anytime and have an open invitation. So, when my children want to see their only living grandparents, I take them for a visit. It is a four-hour round trip drive. We usually spend an afternoon and go home after dinner.
If my parents ever said that I was not welcome in their home, I certainly would NOT go to the trouble of driving all that way so they could spend time with my children. They know it too. They also know that if they want the visits to continue, they will not do any subtle or overt "witnessing" to my children. They know that they are welcome to provide me with literature, and that it will be me (not them) who decides what my children may or may not read.
My suggestion: Your daughter obviously loves her grandparents and wants to have a relationship with them. It might be difficult for you both to display the kind of love that "never fails", but your daughter will appreciate it if you take the first step and call up the grandparents and say "Your grandchildren are asking if they can see you, and we would like to bring them for a brief friendly visit." (Or something like that.) It's non-confrontational. It also puts the onus on the grandparents to either accept or reject this gesture. If they accept it, great.... a brief friendly visit can take place. You could even take Grandma & Grandpa out for supper, where they can be seen eating with "apostates". If they say no, then have them explain to the children why not. If they put conditions on the visit (the children can come, but you and hubby aren't welcome) have them explain that to the children as well. How are the children going to feel to have their parents slammed as being "wicked" or "unrighteous" or "apostates"?? Make sure it comes directly from the grandparents how it is that you are "unworthy" of their company.
Kids aren't dumb. You two are wonderful, loving parents, great providers, and you do fun stuff with your kids. You aren't "bad people" the way grandma is going to try to tell them, and your daughter is smart enough to recognize that. Most kids are super protective of their parents - even when the parents are horrible - they are still Mom & Dad - and will not appreciate having anyone (even Grandma) bashing them behind their backs.
Hoping everything works out well.....
Love, Scully