I can remember the original turquoise coloured Evolution book produced by the organisation and the numerous public talks around it. Mind-blowing to a gullible youngster growing up in a JW family.
The flood of Noah's day when thousands of tons of suspended water fell from the atmosphere and on hitting the cold poles INSTANTLY plunged the woolly mammoths into a deep freeze, to the extent that the last mouthful of grass was still there in the mouth in mid-chomp. You can quickly see why a kid with a fertile imagination was transfixed by those apparently up-to-date scientific discoveries as presented by the WT org!
What rot! Nowadays science tells us that it was the secret world of viruses that killed the mammoths.
It's a shame it took so long for me to find out it's always the unseen secret things that ultimately kill you. Like the secrets and lies told to trap people inside this insidious cult.