Your Username

by RAYZORBLADE 86 Replies latest social humour

  • xjw_b12

    WOW , Thank you to the posters, who put up those links back to 2001. What a blast from the past !

    Very interesting read.

    It's amazing to see who posted to those orignal " username " threads, who are still here and going strong. And a lot from the ol H20 Board.

    Englishman, Ozziepost, Riz, VeniceIT, Safe4kids, dmouse, Yerusalyim, Zev, Billygoat, Princess and Mulan, larc, Thirdson, TR, HoChiMi, joelbear, MoJoJoJo, dedalus, qwerty, gopher, peaceloveharmony, LovesDubs, outnfree, mustang, think41self, ISP, waiting, teejay, Trotafox, Francois, Metratron, HadEnough, Redhorse Women, AGuest, noidea, Farkel, GentlyFeral, Abaddon, Amazing, hippikon, sleepy, NeonMadman, Tatiana, tennyuck, ashitaka, Xena, jst2laws and joy2bfree.

    And how about those who posted, and are gone but not forgotten:

    bboyenko, bittrermango, TweetieBird, Seeker, Esmeralda, closer2fine, PiercedAngel, (now that was a story) Kismet, mommy, Mindchild, ladonna, OUTLAW.

    My username, comes from my attempt to get a personal licence plate, when I first exited: xjw b12 ( ex jw, be one too ).

    Kinda came to me from those old DR. Pepper commercials..... " I'm a Pepper, he's a Pepper, wouldn't you like to be Pepper too " !

  • cruzanheart

    The place I lived where I was happiest in my childhood was St. Croix (ages 9-14) and I still consider that my home. A person from St. Croix is a Cruzan, hence "cruzanheart." I like the rum, too . . . .


  • be wise
    be wise

    Hi Rayzor,

    My names pretty self-explanatory. It made sense at the time cos I am the only one in my family who questioned the religion openly, so really it is an admonition to JW’s, cos I think the biggest part of being wise is having an open mind.

    My …I do think a bit too much sometimes? (blah! blah! blah!)

  • JeffT

    I've always used my real name on the net. But when I signed up for this board it wouldn't let me use Jeff Thomas (must have been taken) so I became JeffT.

  • kproscts

    Neat post, mine applies to a role I have been in since I was a kid.

    Growing up a JW, my father an elder and most of our close friend's father's were elders - I was kind of preve to what was going on, started by default and just carried. So when they spoke with me it would always end with don't tell anyone this, but..thus: KPROSCTS

    Growing up I was the one that everyone came to, to talk, mostly my age and younger, and ended with don't tell anyone this, thus: KPROSCTS

    As I got older, it just stuck for some reason, I never sought out to be this person, but people who needed to talk somehow found their way over to me and yes ended with can we keep this between us, thus: KPROSCTS

    I'm also in management and certian things have to be kept under wraps so to speak, thus: KPROSCTS

    KPROSCTS - Keeper of Secrests.

  • rocketman

    I think it's cool reading how people got their usernames.....some are quite imaginative.

  • oldcrowwoman

    Hi Razorblade

    Since I've been on chat discussion of oldcrowwoman. And the issues of old!

    There is this curiosity with my name. My given name is Kathi and my natural name is OCW.

    How it evolved with crows was 19 yrs ago in my recovery from alcohol. I was camping with a friend. We were sleeping 3 crows cawing beside the tent. Being irritated by their noise and hollered at them. Amazing they did listen to me. As if I have control!!!

    Shortly after being back home, there were crows cawing outside of my apt. The weird part looking out the window there were the 3 crows. I thought they could'nt have followed me back to the cities?? I wondered what this all meant?

    I studied animal energies, from Native American women and womens encylcolpedia. to me 3 crows means a emotional death. Not a physical death.

    In the beginning of recovery being hit with losses of 39 yrs was very overwhelming. Learning to get in touch of my feelings. The 3 crows would show up when I needed to face a loss and to acknowledge it. At times I was'nt happy to see them.

    Woman has to do with reclaiming myself.

    The name OLD can come in many different interpetations. The OLD has to do with a old soul. I was older than my years as a child. And part of that had to do with abuses.I don't see it in relation with my physical self.

    Crow energies is an omen for change. Crow signifies a knowledge of a higher order of right and wrong than indicated by the laws created in human culture. Crow energies speaks in a powerful voice when addressing issues that for me seem out of harmony, out of balance, out of whack or unjust. When they show up phyically reminds me to be more aware. I have the tendency to shut down emotionally.

    There are many attributes of crows energies. As with all things are here to be aware and to teach. They are put here for a reason.

    There are many stories about my encounter with crows over the years. But I would be hoging the thread here.


  • StinkyPantz

    I think my name is self explanatory

  • wednesday

    My name comes from the old nursery rhyme "wednesday's child is full of woe". B/c that is how i have always felt.

    i found some spiritual food today that helped me a lot. This is jewish, but i found it helpful.


  • ballistic

    Ballistic is my real name, I mean nick name that is - it doesn't appear on my birth certificate. I think many people don't realise this and think I go ballistic about the org or something like that.

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