Everyone thinks they have a friend or even many friends. Have you ever come to know that your "friend" was really no friend after all? What happened???
What's The Worst Thing a "Friend" Could Ever Do To You?
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
My Best Friend, the one I got DF'd for associating with, really crapped on me from on high.
Actually, it's too painful to talk about, forget it.
OK, I've changed my mind. I was a sales manager, he was my boss and in trouble with his boss. He manufactured a situation that resulted in him sacking me. With many tears too, I might add. Basically, he used me as a diversionary tactic to take the heat off him. Removing me caused a considerable furore in the company thereby securing his job so's no more unneccessary upheaval was caused.
Months later he admitted to me what he had done and asked me to either forgive him or get my own back as he couldn't stand the suspense of waiting for me to somehow exact revenge.
Amen to that brother minimus. Most people I've called friend turn out to be nothing but manipulative punks who are only interested in some twisted kind of game that includes defamation . I prefer not having friends .
I loved, trusted and believed everything he ever told me. He was I thought my best friend, my only friend.
Then I grew up and found out that the Jesus in the Gospels is only a mist evaporating with the morning sun.
He was a beautiful myth.
But you down in public
Turn out to have never existed
Lie about you to other people; support other people's lies about you to protect themselves.
Invalidating my honest emotions. I hate that. I try so hard not to do it to others. In fact, I mentioned to a very close friend I was suffering, and he said, "what do you have to suffer about"?
There was a post here recently, an honest one, talking about how we should not feel bad about our losses since others have experienced "real" losses... loss of children, etc. I found that extremely invalidating. If one loses a job, and feels terrible about it, it IS a big loss ..to her I am sorry for those who have lost husbands and children, but I am living my life and my pain is real too. I can't take away the pain of others, but I will try to help. I don't think it is too much to ask of a friend to just admit that, despite his or her perception that my problems are not as great, that I can and do suffer because of my own losses.
I'll get off my soapbox now.
The worst thing that a friend ever done to me, was to sleep with my husband. In my bed. Guess she wasn't really a friend.
I had a friend that made a play for my now xBF. With friends like that who needs enemies right?
My "best friend" that I grew up with, went to school with etc ... was one of the elders who da'd me. Spineless cretin never said one word through the whole thing. Of course I'd grown up with all of them.