I'm curious about this, because it was fairly apparent that some newly baptized people didn't have a good grasp of a lot of the doctrinal points of JWs. Mind you, doctrinal points vascillate quite a lot, so that's no surprise really, but you would think that the basics would be covered prior to allowing people to get baptized, wouldn't you?
For instance, my brother-in-law's girlfriend didn't understand the ramifications of the blood doctrine when she got baptized (they wanted to get married in the KH, and unless she was baptized they wouldn't be allowed to do so). My husband admitted to not understanding many doctrines prior to baptism as well. So did both of my brothers-in-law.
How is it that a religion that claims to pride itself on "teaching people The Truth™" would go ahead and baptize people who do not understand what it is exactly that they are getting into? How is it that a religion that prides itself on providing Accurate Knowledge™ to people would permit anyone to get baptized who could not explain the basic tenets of their faith? If a person knowingly submits to baptism without understanding what they are committing to or the basis for the doctrines that they will be expected to teach others, are their baptisms valid? Worse than that, to get baptized knowing that you don't understand the doctrines and beliefs - isn't that dishonest?? isn't it fraudulent?
How often does this happen? Do you have any examples similar to the ones I mentioned?
Curious to hear what others are thinking about this subject.
Love, Scully