Ok. Now I'll tell you who are the sixth king of Revelation and
True identity of Babilon The Great.
by Mr Bean 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
Mr Bean
Ok. Now I'll tell you who are the sixth king of Revelation and Babylon the Great. It's the same organization under two different names. Roman Catholic Church to be precise, Jesuits under their head, so called 'black pope', His name is Peter Hans Kolvenbach. That's the name of the current ruler of whole Earth. Here are evidences. Read them carefully because it is VERY interesting and final proof is in the movie JFK by Oliver Stone. Few links: http://www.vaticanassassins.org/ http://www.hiddenmysteries.com/item300/item333.html http://www.biblebelievers.com/chiniquy/index.html Below a pieces of evidences and an author didn't connected them. http://www.100777.com/nwo/01.htm some more http://www.atgpress.com/kifap/ans/ans.htm some elements here http://www.mt.net/~watcher/ http://www.mt.net/~watcher/april30.html What is the most interesting, Jesuits are worshipping Lucifer and making are human sacrifices. World leaders are doing the same in Bohemian Grove. The goal of Jesuits is to build Temple of Salomon and Lucifer will officially run the whole show on Earth. Disgusting thing causing desolation in a holy place. Only Vatican has this kind of money to lend USA more than 13 trillions of dollars. In 1773 Vatican used Rothschild (or Rockefeller) to buy Bank of England. Read all carefully. That all makes a sense. Ancient Rome in 325 CE established RCC and still today that beast is running the show. The sixth king is still ruling. WTS never got it right. Babylon the Great, city on seven mountains, (Rome) emporium of false religion, still worshipping Astarte, Baal and Lucifer. Old Babylonian gods. The biggest riches in the world. Biggest bank and the bloodiest beast. When goal of Lucifer will be accomplished, RCC will be discarded as not wanted tool. And again Revelation will be right. On NWO agenda religion is on a death list. Of course RCC thinks the he is protected and will survive. Time will tell. _____________________ Initially, it will be shock, but more you think of it, more sense it has. More you'll be digging, more evidences will be are available. Have a nice reading... Of course if you have different opinion, post it here, with some links, if possible. Peace...
Mr Bean
Jeezzz... I'm blind or is not EDIT button here anymore! ;-P
Ok. Now I'll tell you who are the sixth king of Revelation and
Mr Bean
Many bugs in that forum.
Can't post properly here! Sorry...
Ok. Now I'll tell you who are the sixth king of Revelation and
Keep trying, man
Edit button
First click on the title of your post (blue lettering)
Then an Edit button should be after the Reply button
Click on that and edit away
Blondie (hope that helps)
Mr Bean
How can you discard of one crazy prophetic revelation to believe the next ?
You have to wait for all the symbols to load. Very anoying, I know. So go on, tell us!!
Mr Bean
Edit button
First click on the title of your post (blue lettering)
Then an Edit button should be after the Reply button
Click on that and edit away
Blondie (hope that helps)
Unfortunately there was not button EDIT and still is not here. :( Will check that post.
Mr Bean
only New topic and Replay
no edit button at all
can't properly copy and paste
it sux....