I've been interested in CG Jung since a kid at 16 because of my interest in the occult but sadly the JWs snatched me up at age 19 because I was so gullible being a roman catholic and all.
Does The Watchtower Corporation's Teachings Of Black White Thinking Induce Borderling Personality Disorder In Many Cult member?
by Brokeback Watchtower 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Brokeback Watchtower
BBW: Sadly the JWs snatched me up at age 19 because I was so gullible being a roman catholic and all.
It is precisely because of your penchant for gullibility that I encouraged you to consult primary and secondary sources for your information, rather than a tertiary source such as Wikipedia which is edited by amateurs and, by its own admission, NOT a reliable source.
Brokeback Watchtower
Thank you for your concern it is duly noted.
As an aside, although Jung's ideas are interesting--particularly in reference to literature--he has largely been discredited in the psychological community because many of his ideas are non-scientific.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think I'm working on that, but I'm not as skeptical as you, even though I see the need for critical examination of data provided by Wiki. just not out of hand rejection information until more fully researched by myself. sorta like a cliff notes kind of thing.
When WP articles are properly edited, the contributors are not supposed to engage in original research. Also, they are supposed to CITE THEIR SOURCES.
If you go to the bottom of any given WP page the primary and secondary sources are supposed to be there. But this is not always the case because, as I previously noted, the majority of WP editors are amateurs. And as well meaning as they may be they are not trained to properly vet sources and write neutral, yet also analytical, commentary.
Brokeback Watchtower
I don't think he has been as discredited as you suggest but misunderstood might be more correct which might be the reason he didn't have his "Red Book" published until years after his death, as many things he uncovered about the unconscious would be misunderstood.
You should look up the difference between scientific inquiry and pseudoscience.
Many, indeed the majority of Jung's original ideas, are not scientific by definition.