It seems some are proud of their attitude ('tude) here. Whether it be because of being now out of the Watchtower or because of feeling they have a new beginning, the 'tude can shine through. Whites might think that blacks show an attitude while gays might think that the heterosexual world has an attitude toward them. Some in the congregation may have shown an attitude because they were JW's longer than others or had more money, etc. Some here are very shy by nature. Others are not. So tell me, do you think you've got an attitude???
So Tell Me, Do You Think You've Got An Attitude?
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
I think I immediately develop one if someone is trying to "put me in my place". I can have an intelligent conversation, respectfully disagree, and be fine, but if I feel that I am being put down or condensended to, or belittled, I develop an attitude the size of Texas.
Happyout (getting a little huffy just thinking about it)
I try hard not to have an attitude, but my style just shines through
Hell No!!
"Some here are very shy by nature."
Yep, that's me.
"T'is far better to have a bad attitude than none at all" - one of many Uzzah-isms
I do when its called for
Attittude can also be a good thing
Nope, not me! Just sweetness and light is what I am.
Anybody disagree! LOL
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
Attitude? -by that question, Do you mean a bad attitude?
In my case I wouldn't think so, but, in anycase - What business is it of yours?
cheeses - who revels in the fact that at least a bad attitude can contribute to one's personality.