I know only black adder is poisonous, but they are rare and and protected. I had seen them only twice in my life at the nature, first time with my dad who loved mountains, and second time at bible study mentioned early. I do not like spiders, I was bitten by one, which brought me into hospital. It was yellow sack spider, which is poisonous and its bites are extremely painful. In near Lower Austria, they have about 200 cases per year of this spider bite alone:
The biggest spider we had outside my grandma house were lycosa. It is considered the largest spider in Europe, but is harmless. Last summer I was visited my sister summer house, which is in riparian forest and this spider is there as well. My nephew wanted it to trap it as a pet. It is a size of small mice:
I can live without them. My brother-in-law was bitten by brown recluse spider and he was sick for long time as the wound got infected.