Matt Noel: Leaves A Positive Impression

by RAYZORBLADE 12 Replies latest jw friends


    (((Rayzorblade))) & (((MattNoel)))

    Both you and Matt are valued members of this site.

    It isn't easy trying to pretend you are something you aren't....or to let someone tell you all those years to "squeeze into their mold"...three cheers for being your own person, both of you! Truly men of principle!!!

    Love ya!


  • mouthy

    Me too!me too!! I think your both tops!!! otherwise I wouldnt have adopted you!!!Come on MattNoel lets see you back here...Miss you.....(((((HUGS))) to you both & every one else.

  • mattnoel

    Oh my god, this thread has brought tears to my eyes. I cant believe that this has been posted. Thanks first of all to Ray, who is a top bloke, a very geniune and friendly person, who takes time out for his friends. I can see a true friend in him. Thank you also everyone else. You are a really wonderfull bunch ! and I think the world of you all ! and Grave has adopted me too ! now I am super chuffed.

    It has been a really rough time and I have had a hard run, but so has a lot of people and there are people far worse off than what I have been through but I hope that somehow I can be some sort of support to people if they ever need it or even just by seeing my story.

    Thanks again everyone, I really dont know what to say but you are a wonderfull bunch. Thanks also Ray - I got your mails but have not had chance to reply, work is manic and so is home but will drop you a line.

    Matt X

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