I was always taught in the JW religion, that humans have really only been on earth for 5000 years or so... There is so much evidence of the Neandertherdal people, with scientists finding many skulls, bones, & such, but scientists date these bones 100 thousand-millions of years old... The Society used to always add that carbon dating is not accurate. I also noticed that JWs never talked about the dinosaurs much... What do you think?????? ---- kristine
by FreeofGuilt 18 Replies latest jw friends
I have been confused about the carbon dating too. Perhaps Adam was the first real man, as apposed to primitive life forms.
Carbon dating has evolved just like everything else. JWs attack carbon dating as if there has been no advancement in the science at all. That is just plain dishonest. But then we ARE discussing the JWs here aren't we?
Early man was on this planet from time out of mind. I don't remember exactly how old "Lucy" is, but she's very ancient, and certainly more than five thousand years. Seems I remember something on the order of around 1.25 million years old.
Some day y'all will learn not to start threads like this with me around.
"Lucy" (Australopithecus afarensis) is dated to just less than 3.18 million years old. http://www.asu.edu/clas/iho/lucy.html
(let me just take a moment to say that the above site is from the Institute for Human Origins at Arizona State...where the guy who discovered Lucy now teaches, where I got to see the cast of her skeleton last spring, and where I will be attending grad school this fall! {I'm so excited!})Here's a really good timeline for hominid species: http://www.wsu.edu:8001/vwsu/gened/learn-modules/top_longfor/timeline/timeline.html
I'm sure you will thank your lucky stars when I say I don't have time to look up the info and post right now but you should be able to get a sufficient amount of good information about hominid evolution and types of dating used (it can get way more complicated - and expensive - than carbon dating these days), in a web search. Just be stick to ".edu" sites and avoid the religious zealots who care more about their doctrine than about the facts. Stick with "Physical Anthropology" sites. That's their specialty.
someone needs to tell these skulls that they are not that old........
Well, actually it's 6,000 years not 5,000 years (1975 was supposed to mark the 6,000th year of man's existence). However, that is wrong anyway. Even if a person does not accept the evolutionary theory, and you ignore all pre- human fossils, humans alone have existed for over 100,000 years. (See this story for an interesting development: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=68&ncid=68&e=1&u=/nyt/20030611/ts_nyt/skullsofferfirstglimpseofearlyhumanfaces )
Plus, erroneous carbon dating tends to make fossils appear younger, not older :
Plus, don't forget there are other methods of dating fossils/ artifacts, such as argon-argon dating.
Do you think they believe that because it makes their
religioncult seem small in the scheme of millions of years? Perhaps they believe the 5000 year thing because they don't look like a "new agereligioncult".Just a thought...
Interesting thought, Andie.
BTW, nice pic.
((((((((Crownboy))))))) Thank you. Felt it was time for a change.
There is no hard evidence that the neanderthals existed.