Second largest religious group is....

by Beans 11 Replies latest social current

  • Beans

    Well I saw a show on TV tonight and the survey they did stated that the second largest religious group in Canada was people with NO RELIGION, yes 16.2%, 5million Canadians have no religion!

    And what I always wondered was also confirmed that the majority of these people are under 35 which does not surprise me at all, I mean I only know one family who attend church as I am in this age frame at 34.

    So you guessed it the churches are hurting fer sure eh! Imagine what will happen over the next 20 years as the parents in this age group are not going to be pushing god and going to church.


  • Aztec

    HA! Atheists and agnostics unite!

    Beans, you watchin the hockey game? Your boys won..damnit!


  • Beans

    Yes Aztec, I'm watching the post game stuff. Devils Rule!


    With this info re: Canada.

    Some Christians will be certainly admitting that the 'Devils' rule... kinda!

    No surprise.

    We worship hockey, inukshuks, poutine and toothless citizens (imagine the possibilities).

  • Satanus

    The northern light keeps getting brighter

  • StinkyPantz
    Imagine what will happen over the next 20 years as the parents in this age group are not going to be pushing god and going to church.

    The world will be a much better place .

  • Beans

    Yes Stinky, a better place indeed!!!

  • czarofmischief

    The danger with raising kids without ANY spiritual life is that they do not wrestle with the basic questions of good v. evil, the nature of God (if any), and then come up with their own beliefs that they can cling to. This leaves them open to the predations of fundamentalism should economic conditions turn sour, or even in the event of a personal crisis.

    Kids need SOME spiritual, or philosophical growth process in order to become fully independent adults.


  • Beans

    Having spirituality or not having it in your life is a matter of personal opinion and if you are comfortable with either then I guess your a happy person either way!

    Philosophical growth, yeah that sounds better to me!

  • StinkyPantz


    Kids need SOME spiritual, or philosophical growth process in order to become fully independent adults.

    You are exactly right. But guess what? People without religion can still provide spiritual and philosophical growth for their children. Don't even get me started about all of the atrocities that have been done over the centuries that were "in the name of God" and religion.

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