Kingdom Ministry School 2022-2023

by Lowrence 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lowrence

    Does anyone of you have the outlines of the latest Kingdom Ministry School 2022-2023 in pdf, if it possible with videos? Thanks in Advance.


  • HereIam60

    Latest ?

  • Lowrence

    No because I think it is not available

  • blondie
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Oh right.

    The CLAM meetings. Thats right.

    You mean thats going on 9 years now?

  • blondie

    Beth Sarim, I was surprised it was that long ago. The CLAM is a joke more than any other WTS publications. Definitely, snoozeville, WTS trying to get old-time jws to do an effective way of making converts. A few years ago, the congregation overseer did a run down of number of bible with people other than children of jws, and it was only one, for 1 year with 100 publishers. And that one had just been df'd. Not surprised September 2024 was a special month offering bible studies to non-jws. I wonder how that turned out.

  • HereIam60

    It wasn't just the Covid shut down, cart work, and checking a box to indicate participation, that has caused the ministry to diminish. I think it was also to a large degree the dropping of "suggested presentations". Formerly there was always something to go by, a question, a scripture, for several years those " shadow people" videos with Witnesses in silhouette doing door to door presentations. That has all been dropped, likely because the Organization doesn't want to be held responsible for what anyone might say. They started a while ago using the term ' your Personal ministry'. Now it's a generic "love people...make disciples...start conversations...start bible studies..." with no specific direction. People have been uncertain what to do, although a local elder recently said you can still use the tracts, as these have a question printed on them to start the conversation.

  • Ron.W.
    A few years ago, the congregation overseer did a run down of number of bible with people other than children of jws, and it was only one, for 1 year with 100 publishers.

    Most interesting information, thank you.

    This reminded me of when I moved halls, being scrutinized for appointment and the presiding overseer ( a former c/o) was very derogatory of an element of my field service report.

    I reported about 15hrs a month, 30 mags, 10 r/v's one bible study.

    I was working full time running my own business and because I was raised in the jw faith I knew exactly how my kids would be feeling - so I did my best to make their family bible study NOT boring and said they could talk to me about ANYTHING - and I would not be fazed.

    They did throw EVERYTHING at me - I was happy because my non witness raised parents had expected me to just accept 'the truth' because they had done so later in life as adults.

    _I cannot tell you how much that assumption brassed me off - when first contacted, they could have a study - question everything - the conductor would say - 'great question - I'll research that for next weeks' study with you.'

    Hitting my teens, if I asked the same sort of question after being raised in 'the truth' I got: "Don't you believe it's 'the truth' you're not becoming an apostate are you??"

    So when the presiding overseer said to me: '"You report one bible study - but that doesn't really count as it's just with your two children." This really irked me..

    I was conducting a bible study with each of them, yet could only count one hour, one study if I remember on the report card..

    The jw's are all about appearance - they love the newbies coming in from the ministry, but in my experience were ultra scornful of the real time and effort busy, hard working parents put into studying with their kids...

    Sorry, rant over... 😉

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    The door 2 door work is what really distinguished JWs.

    Thats all but gone.

    Hours quotas,,, gone. Just check a box.

    Just check a box,,,, tell people you've at least talked to someone. Elders wont hassle you.

    There's no reason to bother anyone,,, or bother going out & ruining your weekend.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog
    The Kingdom Ministry School is for Elders & MS, but everyone's now off on a tangent about Our Kingdom Ministry (no relation). If the stuff has leaked, it would probably be on

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