I'm Thinking of Doing Something Drastic

by Bendrr 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    Ok, here's the deal.

    Way back when I got df'd I kinda went wild. Started riding motorcycles, wore rock group t-shirts, got 3 earrings in my left ear, got a tattoo, and grew my hair long. Gasp! The horrors!!!

    I had to cut it once back in '93 because my employer said to. Then I started growing it back in '95 and haven't cut the back since. For a few years I had all my hair super long, the front would completely cover my face. I even had it permed for a while. Then I said to hell with that, and the other reason was to piss off a woman I was in a bad relationship with, and cut everything but the back. Yeah a mullet. Shut up, Musto!

    Well friends, I'm thinking of finally doing the unthinkable and cutting it. Going to short hair all around. I may keep some of the back in a "rat tail" but not the whole neck-warmer. I've finally just got to the point where I don't care anymore. Maybe I'm getting old, who knows?

    So what do you think? Cut it or not?


  • Hamas

    Cut it man, long hair went out with the Romans.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Summer is coming in Georgia

    Cut it and be cool man

  • Princess

    A mullet?

    Cut it.

    I may keep some of the back in a "rat tail" but not the whole neck-warmer.

    NO NO NO NO Cut it all. Tail's went out with Wham! PULEEZE don't do that.

    Pictures of the new do please!


  • bluesapphire

    Not to be mean but I hate long hair on guys. It is just messy and ugly. Clean cut is just so much nicer. In your picture you don't look like a bad looking dude. Just .. well not clean. Cut it in a nice stylish way (all of it .. leave nothing long) and then post a new picture. GO FOR IT!!!

  • freedom96

    I am in the people business, and whether we like it or not, people judge us by first impressions. Now, I have friends that have had long hair, tattoos, etc, and they just don't get the same respect as someone cleaner cut does.

    Right or wrong. Don't matter. It is just the way it is.

    I am a business man, and I will do whatever it takes to promote myself and my business, so for me, no long hair, no earings etc.

  • DanTheMan

    Mullets are goofy looking, unless you are a blue-collar midwestern white boy, then it's OK to be 10 years behind the times fashion-wise.

  • Yerusalyim

    To each their own, but I'm kinda partial to short hair. I agree with Princess...NO NO NO on the rat tail, I hated it back in the day, and think it ridiculous today.

  • teejay

    Cut it, Mike. Long is nasty and ratty. Keeping it clean and groomed is impossible unless you narcissitic.

    As an option, you might want to keep a tail, but that's hard to pull off without looking... uh... gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that!

  • ballistic

    Yes, we're all getting old, we change. You have nothing to prove by keeping it long anymore. If the fashion has gone asnd so have your reasons, I think you've made your own decision.

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