"We're Asking You to Leave"

by Black Man 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    That's bethelite speak for "you're fired". It's false advertising, that if you make it through your first year there, you're home-free or off probation. You're being watched at all times, unless you're a heavy or have been there for years. If Bethel wants you gone, they can and will manufacture reasons to kick you out. I would give a second thought to that if I were them, because ex-bethelites = future-apostates. They been there, seen it all and are disillusioned. In fact one bethel heavy once told me "many brothers that leave bethel are never heard from again." That's true. I wonder about exact figures on what the turnover is at Bethel. When I was there, it seemed to be more "being asked to leave" then were coming. Makes you wonder..................

  • kproscts

    How long were you in? While you were there what was the average length of service of the people you worked with? What kind of guideliness or expectations did they give you when you started?

    It would be interesting to know those numbers and why were these folks never heard from again when the were "asked to leave"?

  • rocketman

    Good questions kproscts. I've often wondered about what things are really like in Bethel.

  • Mary
    That's bethelite speak for "you're fired".

    Sounds kinda like Don Corleone saying "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse."

  • KGB

    LOL Mary

  • shamus


    Sounds like most jobs out there... interesting!

  • caligirl

    I knew several people who went to Bethel on a temporary basis, some to help with construction, and others for a month or two. All of them came back completely disillusioned with the whole experience after a lifetime of hearing how perfect and wonderful life was there.

  • Gizmo

    I knew several people who went to Bethel on a temporary basis, some to help with construction, and others for a month or two.

    You're being watched at all times, In fact one bethel heavy once told me "many brothers that leave bethel are never heard from again." That's true.
    Wonder if they're part of the foundations?.....hhhmmmmm very interesting.

  • caligirl

    LOL @ Gizmo, wondering if they are part of the foundation. Not in this case, but the visit did wake one up enough to start questioning and end up writing a DA letter!

  • Michael3000

    All true, Black Man. You wouldn't, by chance, be my old friend Veron - would you?

    JM Sidoti

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