Considering My Future Career; School?

by shamus 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus

    Hey everyone...

    I lost a lot of years to the borg and depression combined. It has been a learning experience to say the least!

    Well, I have finally devised a plan. Go back to uni, and either become a doctor or nurse. This is a big step for me, b/c I only just graduated high school! The plan is, get some chemistry courses under my belt, apply for pre-med, then see if I can actually do it!

    I am very very freaked about it, but, it seems like the more I think about it, the more excited I get! If I was to become a doctor, that would be the cats' meow! I would be in heaven, everyone~! Even a nurse would be cool....

    What do you all think? I am pretty psyched!

  • shamus

    P.S,. Thanks to a certain someone on this very board who did what I am about to do, at 32. I don't want to say her name here, in case she wishes to be anonymous...

  • drwtsn32

    I don't know... there's something about an angry Bert getting booked which doesn't make me think "good bedside manner."

  • StinkyPantz


    I think what you are doing is great! I started college when I was 21 (3 years ago) and it was one of the best decisions that I've made in my life. Go for it!!

  • nilfun

    Go for it!

    *cheers Shamus on*

  • drwtsn32

    It's a great idea in any case. I just started college myself. I'm starting my second quarter this summer. Taking English 101 and Precalc. lol


    Shamus, go4it!!!

    I did the same thing about 10 years ago. Best thing I ever did.

    I was 30 when I returned to college. As a mature student, my perspective was much more serious and my determination was unwavering. Best thing I ever did.

    I highly encourage you to follow your dreams.

    We'll all be extremely proud of you, not to mention how you'll feel once you begin this journey. It'll never be in vain, and the personal satisfaction you'll acquire will be all yours.

    I vote for Shamus' decision [ X ]

  • freedom96

    Whatever your goals or dreams might be, don't let anyone steal them! Go out and achieve whatever will make you happy. No one else is going to pay your bills, and they will not lead the life you will. Do what is best for you, and enjoy. We are here once, make the best of it.

  • Brummie

    Go for it Shamas! You wont regret it.

    I put an academic career behind me as a JW, then after leaving I thought I would look a nut going to college at my age, when I went it turned out I was one of the youngest there! It is never too late to start again.


  • shamus

    Thank you all for your quick replies! Holy cow!

    Anyone else on this board a docor? I already know of one nurse....


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