I believe the Mike and Kim youtube channel recently uploaded a leaked elders letter related to this
Confirmed: CO Discourages Zoom
by XBEHERE 30 Replies latest jw friends
I can 100% confirm that there has been no letter to the Elders in the U.S. that states to discourage zoom. They are using the CO's tell "encourage" In-Person mtg and ministry.
Of course, XBEHERE, the WTS uses the word "encourage" but if you choose not to be "encouraged" you are going against god's direction from their god's representative on earth.
Unintended suggestion here for the Governing Body, why not convert the zoom into a paying monthly subscription similar to Netflix or Hulu? Millions would roll in and control of the masses in one scoop.
Yes I agree, it’s more about the control. It hard to monitor someone when you don’t know where they are, or what they get up to. This is the problem they have and I can’t really see them going totally on line.
there has been no letter to the Elders in the U.S. that states to discourage zoom
Listen what is said from the platform, though.
Many more are becoming PZMI then slowly drifting to PZMO
I don’t think HQ would be brave enough to put it in writing, discouraging zoom.
i'm being facetious (sorta), can they suggest you make a contribution before loggin. Sounds like something they would do.
This morning, Sunday, I passed by my local hall at 11 am…5 cars in the parking lot. 😂