Gorby and his family went to the memorial. Just for family reasons. To keep the communication lines open.
I have to say, I don't like to go but has to do it for the good sake.
Some were happy to see us, some talked to us, and most of them didn't show any interest.
Because of our fade I can see them now from more distance and have to say how overdone the JW
behavior is during the memorial. They look uber people, gods personal selected people on earth with their "kingdom smile". It feels that they have no respect for people who make other choices.
The memorial ritual is weird when you look at it from more distance. Paying respect to the bread and wine,
knowing that it's not for you.
When it was over, I did a little chat with some with real interest, about his electric bike, speeding
every day through our street. Fun.
And then we made the long walk from our chairs to our jackets and entrance through a mass of people watching you with a grimace, knowing that most of them don't give a sh*t about you and talk behind you're back when you left the building.