Just curious...how old are you? Because nobody except very young teenagers watch this schtuff! (I'd like to call it something else, but Simon has a rule against it.) THIS American TV does NOT reflect true American Society at all and MOST people with half a brain here in the US know that. Watching TV from a country is not always an accurate guage of the people or society.
Billygoat, Just to set the record straight, I don't watch them, but I have seen the odd epidode every now and then, and it never failes to shock me how your society is portrayed. I know it is only TV, but Nazi programs about Jews were also only the Picture House. The fact that these abusively mocking programs are actually aimed at and watched by the very young makes them even more disturbing. They are molding the social expectations of thease ones, and teaching very bad ethics. The message sems to go 'It's funny to mock social misfits, because it makes them mis fit even more!!' Ha bloody ha. Besides, there were a lot of reports about the social hiearachy in American High Schools contributed by Kids who have done exchange programs just after the Dunblane shootings. They pretty much confirmed what I gleaned from said programes. Jocks and Cheerleaders get the best tables at lunch times, while the Geeks are forced to walk to the far end of the dinner hall. Is this true? Is it ignored by the teachers, or worse- endorsed?
I'd like to believe that it is not an acurate portrate of American society, but.. (Ah I'll start a new thread.)